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Density Based Traffic Signal System

Essay by   •  February 13, 2017  •  Case Study  •  807 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,563 Views

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Density Based Traffic Signal System

Under the supervision of

Prof. Aarthi G

Group members:

P Likhitha Chowdary 15BEC0700 Rishitha K 15BEC0808

Chaithra TC 15BEC0810

Introduction:[pic 3]

Nowadays, controlling the traffic becomes major issue because of rapid increase in automobiles and also because of large time delays between traffic lights. So, in order to rectify this problem, we will go for density based traffic lights system.The function of traffic lights requires sophisticated control and coordination to ensure that traffic moves as smoothly and safely as possible. In recent days, electro-mechanical controllers are replaced by electronic circuits. The accuracy & fault tolerant drive towards electronic circuits.


This project is developed to meet the requirements of solid state traffic light controller by adopting microcontroller as the main controlling element, and LED’s as the indication of light. A micro controller is interfaced to LED’s provide for centralized control of the traffic signals. Microcontroller is programmed in such a way to adjust their timing and phasing to meet

changing traffic conditions. The circuit besides Sai being reliable and compact is also cost effective.


        power supply

IR Sensor


Microcontroller[pic 4]




1.   Step Down Transformer

2.   Bridge Rectifier

3.   Filter Capacitor

4.   Voltage Regulator

5.   Transistor

6.   Resistors

7.   Capacitors

8.   PN junction diode

9.   LED’s

10. Microcontroller AT89S52

11. IR sensors

Circuit diagram-

[pic 6]

Working Principle:[pic 7]

The main working objective of this traffic light controller is to provide sophisticated control and coordination to confirm that traffic moves as smoothly and safely as possible. This project makes use of LED lights for indication purpose and a microcontroller is used for auto changing of

signal at specified range of time interval. LED lights gets automatically turns on and off by

making corresponding port pin of the microcontroller “HIGH”. In the above circuit diagram of

traffic light controller, three LEDs are used for the purpose of traffic light control.

An Microcontroller is the brain of this whole project and is used to initiate the traffic signal at the intersections on road. The IR sensors are connected to the input ports of the microcontrollers and the LED’s with resistors are connected to the output ports of the microcontroller. When the density is high the IR sensor sends the input to the microcontroller and the microcontroller will forward the signal to the Green LED and thus it glows. This circuit diagram makes use of a crystal oscillator for generating frequency clock pulses. The LEDs are interfaced to the Port zero of the microcontroller and are powered with 5v power supply. The LEDs get automatically switched on and off by making the corresponding port pins of the microcontroller high, based on the  microcontroller and its programming.



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