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Determining Needs

Essay by   •  July 27, 2013  •  Essay  •  240 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,161 Views

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Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute information regarding an organization's human resources (Kavanagh, Thite, and Johnson, 2012, P. 572). There are constant changes in technology and government regulations. The types of changes and new developments in technology and government regulations that should be considered in long-range planning requirements for updating or replacing a HRIS will be reviewed. Three disadvantages of using interviews and focus groups for data collection during the analysis phase when determining HRIS needs will be identified, and will recommend three approaches to overcome the disadvantages. Three critical sources of data-gathering initiatives for an HRIS needs analysis will be evaluated alone with highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of using each of those sources. A system, process, or service in the organization's HRIS that could be improved will be identified. The current system with the envisioned future will be compared, and then create a gap analysis report that identifies the discrepancies between the current state and the future desired state and prioritizes needs.

In conclusion determining your needs for HRIS is extremely important and it's no easy task. HRIS performance measures are benchmarks for evaluating how efficient and effective HRIS investments are and how they can be improved to obtain better results to support HRIS objectives. There are many changes occurring in the development in technology and government regulations when working with the HRIS. However, it has improved over the years.



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