Digital Sound Impact Through Advertisements on Consumers
Essay by people • January 6, 2012 • Research Paper • 3,323 Words (14 Pages) • 1,753 Views
I. Introduction................................................................ 3-4
II. Background On Product........................................... 5-7
III. Details of Brand............................................................... 8
IV. Market Segmentation.................................................... 9
V. Marketing Mix............................................................. 10
VI. Impact on Consumer............................................. 11-12
VII. Market Plan Assessment Conclusion......................... 13
Digital Sound Impact Through Advertisements On Consumers
For many years now, advertising companies have been changes their approach strategies for consumers because of the new cutting edge digital and technology world. Especially for, music formatting and productions of sounds due to learning's of technology that has materialized into the world of visuals, sounds and words. The Digital domain of sounds has become new everyday influences not only for younger consumers but adults as well. Digital formatting on nearly everything you see visual and hear with sounds. However, its not only creating avenues for visuals and sounds it also has created a new land for advertisements companies to manifest. Due in large part to how consumers perceive, comprehend the production of music to their product brands (Stewart). The variations in the music have help advertising campaigns because it shows to have a rhythmic impact on physiological reactions in humans buying. Due to recent changes in the way we live and communicate with new technology everyday. In the research world of communicating a key issue in the field of persuasive communication is determining how exposure to a message has its effects advertisements. The theories of attitude over the past few years have been shaping and changing through cognitive components. According to this approach, messages ultimately influence attitudes by way of their effects on underlying beliefs (Stewart).
There is substantial empirical evidence supporting various belief-based models of attitude formation and change within a number of social domains. Just, however, many behavioral researchers have argued that the form of change process in addition to the traditional belief-based approach is based on purely affective processes. A study was done to tackle this issue; a television commercial without music was compared to one with music. The goal was to determine whether the change in attitude toward the advertised brand produced by the addition of music to the message was best seen as affect or belief-based change. The change was based on both being affection and belief-based transformations.
Music has become the main source of revenue for the advertisement and products; Making the marketing wide and open for artists and brand to market with goods and services. With any new product you have to be aware of the other competitors and competition's within your market. In the document I plan to introduce a musical product by the name of Denon that's has that gives a wider conversation on DJ culture, its influences, its technologies, and its histories. Since Djs are now becoming the main source of sound since the 1950s we have to give credit to the new waves of technology, that has influences how marketer advertise their product and brands to consumers. The Digital sounds revolution has merges with advertisements that have begun to circulate throughout the world.
Denon (Kabushiki Kaisha Denon) is a Japanese electronics company that was involved in the early stages of development of digital audio technology; they specialized in the manufacture of high fidelity professional and consumer audio equipment. According to Denon Wikipedia, Denon was a brand name of Nippon-Columbia, including the Nippon Columbia record label. In 2001 Denon was spun off as a separate company with 98% held by Ripplewood Holdings and 2% by Hitachi. In 2002 Denon merged with Marantz to form D&M Holdings to become the Denon brand that came from a merger of Denki Onkyo and others in 1939. Denon is an Award-winning audio/video system that delivers the ultimate home theater experience. Their products give any consumer of the product the ultimate experience with Denon' Amplifiers, CD players, tuners, headphones, shelf systems and turntables for the audio enthusiast. Denon is already a universal brand name and widely known in digital market, which have already been tested by researchers and consumers.
In the current issue of Dancecult it addresses the interactions of pleasure sand influences that intersect in the space between the DJ, the dance floor and the rest of the world. As we know music and tunes are apart of our everyday living experiences especially when it comes to consumption and purchasing. Ads are multi-modal, and can use pictures, music and language, either singly or in combination, as the medium permits which can be used in the likes of language, and can use writing, speech and song, either singly or in combination (Cook). According to Bethany Klein an lecturer in media industries at the Institute of Communications Studies at the University of Leeds in England; "A decade or two ago, rock stars teaming up with a nationwide department store chain to hawk back-to-school clothing would have raised more than a few critical eyebrows and accusations of "selling out." But in an era when artists release new singles to accompany iPod commercials an once-sacred classic rock anthems have become all but synonymous with beer and car ads, the Kohl's campaign simply offers proof that the relationship between advertising and pop music is more intimate than ever. She states that there has been a transformation in the U.S. radio and music industries, which have resulted in a narrower of opportunities for a narrowing range of artists. "Advertising industry gladly stepped in to offer musicians and labels large amounts of money and potential widespread exposure," writes Bethany Klein, Ph.D. Electronic dance music, and its DJs, producers and promoters have become increasingly central to popular culture in its various spatial configurations (Dancecult).
The Denon 3700 is a direct drive turntable media player & controller, cutting-edge single-deck portable DJ instrument that provides working DJs with a host of useful features