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Disgruntled - What Makes Employees Disgruntled?

Essay by   •  September 4, 2011  •  Essay  •  443 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,825 Views

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Intro for our disgruntled presentation.

As Leader and Supervisors you are going to have employees and situations that will require you to think and act critically in order to get the situation fixed, before it spirals out of control. One type of situation that requires extra care and creativity is the disgruntled employee. There are things businesses and its managers are contributing to, that can lead to a disgruntled employee, but by knowing how to spot and fix the problem it will lead to a positive solution and a healthier work environment. After our presentation we hope you'll take away, Why do employees get disgruntled? Effects of this type of employee on others. Methods to fix the problem and Benefits of handling a disgruntled employee.

What makes employees disgruntled?

The reasons for disgruntled employees are long and tedious. I could problem spend the next five hours discussing various reason employees are upset with their jobs. At one time or another I'm sure we had experienced a time where we were upset with our boss, pay, customers, work environment, etc. Most of the time we get over it, the situation improves or goes away and work goes on... As employers you have to realize that at times you can't make everyone happy. But the employee whose bad attitude stays the same, and gripes about everything has to be addressed.

Stress and overworked

One reason employees feel disgruntled is stress and feeling overworked. With the economy downturned employers resorted to laying off workers and shifting the workload to fewer people. Now worker are expected to produce more with less people and that isn't going to change anytime soon. Employees are mad. Companies are having to squeeze profits and one way to do this is through less workers. (Story about my job.)

Many times people feel they aren't able to get ahead and then go home. Instead there's always one more thing they need to do, and many employees are feeling way behind leading to stress and employees feeling inadequate.

Relationship Skills

Not all managers have wonderful management traits; I think we have all experience the manager from another world. A lot of times employees feel that employers aren't doing enough to help them reach their full potential. Managers that don't do enough to listen to them or maybe they rule with an iron fist and expect their employees to answer to every call and whim. Manager that are negative also have a way of making those around them fell unhappy too. Another complaint of employees is the manager that has poor communication skills either by failing to communicate or not communicating so they can understand.



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