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Essay by   •  September 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  868 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,341 Views

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According to Encarta

English Dictionary one

definition of a resource is: â

€œa natural, economic,

political, or military asset

enjoyed by a nation." Natural resources, material

resources, and human

resources are all different

types of resources. All

resources are dynamic in

nature, with the exception of human knowledge, and

Erich Zimmerman said â

€œknowledge is truly the

mother of all resources."

The dynamic resources

that humans are indulging upon at this point in time

are not going to be the

same as they are twenty or

maybe even five or ten

years from now. The

change is already being made to cut down our

dependency on oil for gas.

Hybrid cars are produced

to run more on electric

power than gas and soon

they will be completely electric. This is a perfect

example of how resources

are dynamic. Our economy

is on the last stage of the oil

and petroleum game, and

when this game is beat a new game will start. Our

trusty old oil and gas game

will be left on the shelf as

memorabilia for what once

was a resource that

humans could not live without. It is nice to look at

things and be able to say

that knowledge will

overcome the reliance on

the finite resources that

are being depleted. Although, the seriousness

of the issue is, are the

people of the world

changing fast enough.

Americans, as people of

one of the world's most dominate economic

countries, have the

responsibility to consider

the aspects and

repercussions over

depleting finite natural resources and not making

our natural change with

the help of material and

human resources. Natural resources are

consistently being

depleted, but which

resources is being

exhausted this time. A

large problem with our economy is contentment.

Everyone wants to talk

about how terrible it is to

pay almost $3.00 for a

gallon of gasoline. Why are

these people not going out and buying these hybrid or

at least fuel economic cars?

Why are they still driving

across the parking lot to

get to another class across

campus when they have fifteen minutes to walk

over? This is the product of

contentment, people just

keep watching gas soar

higher and higher, and

they just keep paying more and more for it.

Americans, know better

than anyone the meaning

of the utilitarian principle,

the maximization of human

pleasure. Resources are used, abused and depleted

for this purpose, but a

resource could not be a

resource, if it were used in

this manner. Ingenious

inventions were created to thrive off these resources

in order for humans to live

a comfortable and lavish

life. The knowledge and

technology is here and

must be used to start depending upon other

resources to sustain this

comfort and gain

independence from the

resources that are soon to

be departed. Just as Zimmerman stated, â

€œresources are not, they

become," humans are

obligated to start this

change when it comes to oil

and gas as well as the many other finite resources that

are vanishing. Material resources are

constantly being

replenished and usually

replaced by something

bigger or better. They are

and always will be a necessary aspect for the




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