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Electric Man

Essay by   •  October 25, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,101 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,354 Views

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It was a sunny day in Pheonix Arizona. A long young man named Jethron, an ordinary 22 year old, lay on his couch deep in thought recounting his terrible childhood. Scenes of endless bullying play out in his head tears begin to form. He was terribly depressed and pondered suicide from time to time. In an effort to get his mind off of the past he turns on the T.V. to watch the news. He immediatly sits up and watches intently.

News Reporter - "Breaking news we have just received weathers reports of a massive thunderstorm coming down from the north bringing heavy rain to the valley. A severe thunderstorm warning has been issued to maricopa and cocanino county. People living in these areas are advised to stay indoors. The storm is estimated to hit Phoenix in roughly 4 hours."

Jethron - "Oh my god...."

Jethron gets up from the couch and runs to his backyard to see where the storm is. He scans the sky and is shocked to see a stretch of pitch black clouds as far as the eye can see coming from the north.

Jethron - "This is gonna be a big one...."

Jethron rushes back inside his house to grab his video camera and films the storm as it engulfs the entire sky turning day into night in a matter of hours. Lightning fills the sky with light and intense thunder as the storm reaches full power. The news is still on in the living room and Jethron returns to watch it some more.

News Reporter - "The storm has reached the valley and there have been power failures all over the state this is a record breaker! This storm is producing more lightning tha......"

Just then the T.V. signal cuts off and an extremely loud crack of thunder follows that startles the crap out of Jethron.

Jethron - "Holy crap! I gotta get this on film!"

Jethron grabs his camera and goes out the front door and into the middle of the street in the pouring rain. He focuses the camera on the sky as massive bolts of lightning streak across. Jethron shields his camera from the rain as best as he can when suddenly there is nothing but light a brilliant light brighter than the sun. Just as quickly the light is gone and is replaced by pitch black. After some time there is a light in the distance. It grows bigger until all the black is gone and a figure of a man emerges from the light but only a figure without any detail. The figure reaches his closed hands out to either side and upon opening them the white changes into a kind of hollographic projection of the universe but with impossible detail. At the same time the figure becomes detailed and takes on the form of a giant man wearing a tunic and has a big white beard and mustache and a brilliant glow all around him.

Jethron - "Am I dead? Who are you?"

The giant man begins to speak in a very loud deep crisp echoey voice. "I am God..od..d."

God - "You are special my child..ild..ld..d. I have chosen you to bare this gift to save mankind..ind..nd..d."

God raises his closed hand out in front of him and opens it. Suddenly the entire hollogram like projection begins to stream into God's hand and a brilliant beam of light shoots out of his hand and into Jethron's entire body. After the last of the hologram goes through God's hand the beam stops and everything is white again. God lowers his hand back down to his side and fades away and the light fades away with him leaving pitch black once again. Jethron wakes up in a hospital bed and a nearby nurse gasps and runs to



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