Employees Resistance Against Change and Its Alleviation
Essay by NomanKhan • April 3, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,581 Words (7 Pages) • 1,474 Views
1 Introduction
Organizational change is a response to stimulants of changing and dynamic environment, Technological innovations, Business growth or changes in laws and policies. In order to sustain competitive advantage of business and grab new opportunities an organization is subject to adapt its activities to these changes as good as possible. In this age of discontinuity the organizational change becomes inevitable and can play a pivotal role in the success or failure of an organization but on the other hand it is a challenging task for Managers to introduce change to an organization and alleviate the problems of its successful implementation.
The following essay is focusing on the factors which influences the employees resistance against organizational change and how Managers can overcome these problems,describes in light of Change Management theories and a practical example from industry.
1.1 Resistance to Change
Organizational change is not merely restructuring or adaption to new organizational operations but before putting the change into effect Managers have to overcome the employees resistace. Employees may have concerns about the type of change, the method of its implementation and its consequences because it effects employee's work and position and hence organizational change initiatives are usually resisted by employees (Sita C. Amba Rao, 1989). The major reasons which influence this resistance are
1.2 Human's nature
Its a common trait of Human's nature to feel wary while entering into a new territory which is unkown for him/her and initially feel reluctant to adapt with the new environment. They feel more comfortable with their old environment even if it does't work. It is the fear of "new" the definition of which is "unknown" for humans and creates uncertainity and confusion in their minds. By avoiding this discomfort people tends to be more offensive in order to defend themselves. Concerning to this Human's nature employees often shows resistance to organizational change initiatives. (Stephen & Robert, p 4)
1.3 Sociological Aspects
National culture plays a vital role in setting organizational behavior and it serves as a symbolic meaning to the dwellers of a country. A change would be obviously resisted if it does't take into account the social norms of a society. Employees perception of organizational change is strongly coditioned on their national culture. The transformation of organization from one phase to another may give a perception to employees of breaching their roots with cultural and traditional values, particularly in case of international mergers employees have a fear of losing their identity. (Hofstede 1983).
1.4 Psychological Aspects
In psychological context the fundamental cause of resistance is fear of loss. When things change people get worry about what they might lose. People think that the change might threaten their security. They have a fear of decrease in their individual power by transfering it to the subordinates and as a result it will reduce their control on lower level employees. Each designation has its influence and presteige in organization and a change can matigate its significance . (Marc Maltz, p 06, 10 Sep 2008). Organizational change may result in downsizing by eliminating some positions so a fear of job insecurity is a big cause of appearing resistance which really affect the change process. Changes and increase in employee's responsibilities are often percieved as creation of a discomfort in the organization.
1.5 Misunderstanding
Kotter and Schlesinger (1979) underline the ineffective communication as one of the major error of management and big cause of employees resistance against organizational chage. Some time people misunderstood the proposed purpose of change process which is mainly because of lack of communication and inadequate information on the base which they shape their prospective world. Organization fail to properly communicate the process, its implementation and consequences with their employees or some time mangers adopt a drastic manner of introducing the change which creats a mistrust on initiators of the change process and employees resist to accept the change. (Article, Dealing with resistance to change, Six change approaches).
2 Overcoming on Resistance to Change
Kotter and Schlesinger(1979) figured out six change approaches through which managers can overcome on resistance to change.
2.1 Education and Communication
As in previous section lack of information and communication has been pointed out as the fundamental cause of employees resistance to change. The best way to avoid this resistance is to educate employees about organizational change its importance and its inevitable role in success of organization, it enhances the open-mindness, creativity and willingness to change . To avoid false rumors about change in organization the employees must have knowledge about the significance of change.
Many change processes ultimately fails to acheive the desired target due to lack of communication. Effective communication provides information about purpose, implication,