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Eng 090 - Cloning Could Save Lives, Improve Lifestyles and Change the World

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Josi Stein

Eng 090

Argumentative Essay Unit 7


Cloning could save lives, improve lifestyles and change the world.

Millions of people die every day waiting for an organ, and the list still grows each and every day. Some years ago my mother needed a kidney and it was one of the scariest things to go through. My mother had to go to dyalaisis every other day while she waited for a kidney. It was a long road, and while waiting she watched all of her friends die on dialysis. Then after waiting for six years she got a kidney and she is ok. The reasons that cloning should be allowed is to stop people from suffering horrible deaths from organ failure and other misfortunes. If cloning was allowed then scientist could build facilities to hold cloned organs all over the world. There would be no more waiting lists nor there need any for rejection medicine because to clone something it has to be of one's own body. If regular people had access to this technology, then millions of lives would be saved on a daily basis.

Helping to improve the lifestyles of others would be a great business for the clone industry because many people want to improve themselves in one way or another. If a man has lost an ear or a leg then he could go to a clone clinic and have cells taken so they could be cloned to duplicate the missing limb or ear. Or the couple who want to improve their lifestyle by having children but can't. The couple lives could be changed just by a simple procedure done in the doctor's office to have her carry a cloned embryo. Just to think about how the couple lives would have improved by the sound of their baby crying 9 months later is mind blowing.

The truth is that the world would just be a changed place on how we live and think, because the technology is there for us to explore and use for the greater good. Now not everything will be perfect because there are kinks and bugs to get out of anything that is new or popular but the technology is worth a try to at least save lives. People often question whether or not cloning is morally acceptable in our society, but if people could just only change the way they think or try and see the other side then the world would change in a way like never before, because then cloning would be able to be used to change the world for the better .Nothing is great in the beginning stages but it is worth it. If the world could change in a way that let others who are not so fortunate have a healthy organ and fair chance at life like everyone else.

Cloning is at the beginning stages of being considered morally unacceptable and will soon move to be just like in-vitro fertilization. Soon everyone will understand the benefits of cloning in agriculture, medicine, and social parenthood. Cloning



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