English 111 - Alaska Pfd
Essay by WB Hes • November 26, 2015 • Annotated Bibliography • 884 Words (4 Pages) • 1,442 Views
William Hessert
Professor Ray
English 111
November 17, 2015
Downing, S (2015, May 18) Republicans to Gov. Walker: Cuts needed in '16 budget. Alaska GOP. From http://www.alaskagop.org/alaska_republicans_to_gov_walker_cuts_are_needed_in_2016_budget.
This post talks about the 2016 Alaska budget and all the cuts involved with it. This give background for why the governor wants to use the PFD for the budget. This was the article that got me started on this subject I was looking for a subject to do my paper on and thought of this. So I guess you could say this was the source that started it all. I used this as a starting point to the paper and a way to think of questions that effect both sides
Herz, N. (2015, September 21) Are the days of big Alaska PFDs numbered? Anchorage Dispatch News. Retrieved from http://www.adn.com/article/20150921/are-days-big-alaska-pfds-numbered.
This is an article talking about the longevity of the PFD and the size of the account from which the money comes from. I will be using because it has direct quotes from governor walker and it is from a journalism source which means it’s a credible source. The article talks about the plan that the governor would like to implement. I will want to use this source due to the fact that it’s from a local newspaper which makes it a creditable source with good quotes and background on the subject. This was one of the first times the governor was quoted about his new PFD plan.
Marquette, K (2015) GOV. EMPHASIZES IMPORTANCE OF PFD LONGEVITY (Press Release 7278) http://gov.alaska.gov/Walker/press-room/full-press-release.html?pr=7278.
This is the official press release from the state of Alaska on the day that the 2015 PFD was announced. It talks about the 2015 PFD briefly then it starts talking about the governor’s plan of what he would like to do with the PFD. It also talks about the longevity of the PFD the account it comes from and has a stat sheet link of the PFD history. I want to use this to give the official opinion and stance by the state government. This was put out by the press secretary and represents the official word from the governor. I will also be using the link to the data on the PFD history to add stats to my paper and see how the PFD has grown since its beginning.
Bross, D. (2015, June 8) PFD earning, taxes highlight governor’s fiscal discussion. Alaska Public Media. Retrieved from http://www.alaskapublic.org/2015/06/08/pfd-earning-taxes-highlight-governors-fiscal-discussion/.
This article is on a meeting that governor called with the leaders of Fairbanks. They discussed public services and how to pay for them. One of the issue brought up was the PFD some at the meeting said it was only a matter of time before we have to dip into it. I will be using this to establish what services are at risk of being cut and how much all of these cost. To determine if these services are even that necessary or cut be outsourced to save money. It will establish what the Fairbanks leadership thinks on the subject. This is important since Fairbanks is the second largest city in the state by population. It is also where the second military base is located in the state with that they are the second most powerful when it comes to voting. Without their support its pretty hard to get much done due to their voting power.