Ethics Case
Essay by munchkinr24 • June 4, 2012 • Essay • 302 Words (2 Pages) • 1,350 Views
Ethics plays a huge role in our everyday lives but there are times that most of us has to do some serious decision taking. A moral dilemma is what gets us in trouble because they have to choose what is right for that one person or for everybody else. Especially, during the professional workplace it is common for that to happen, for example an employee covering up for another fellow employee. In this paper it will discuss how a moral dilemma I have faced recently in my professional life.
In my professional life I have come across moral dilemmas but I have handled it the proper way even though some individuals have gotten upset. I used to work in a plasma center and we would see the same customers on a regular basis so they became familiar and most have become friends with staff. In order to donate they have to pass certain health prerequisites if not the donors cannot donate for the day and get deferred. Well most of the donors are either low income and are from Mexico. In my case, my moral dilemma was a female donor from Mexico and she was a regular donor. I basically knew her story and the money that she would get for her plasma donation was to support her family in Mexico. Every time we would get donors from Mexico I would really pray for them to pass the health prerequisites. I did not want them to get deferred and have them walk so many miles to get back home on the other side of the border. In this case the female donor did not pass her health prerequisites and before she had even walked to the room she was telling me that her daughter was really sick and had no money.