Events in the Financial Sector
Essay by r1987 • November 4, 2012 • Essay • 259 Words (2 Pages) • 1,197 Views
The global economy is reeling with the impact of the
ongoing recession which started with the sub-prime
crisis in the United States and found its way to other
developed and emerging economies of the world.
This recession has its roots in the initial collapse of
the financial sector. However, in a world that is more
integrated within each country as well as across nations,
the events in the financial sector have eventually trickled
down to the real sector of the economies as well.
Finance and financial markets play a dominant role
in growth and development of modern economies -
hence, any recovery from the current recession must
be couched in an overall recovery of the health and
performance of the financial sector.
In the absence of mature financial markets in their own
economies, several emerging economies (including
India) have heavily depended on credit and other
financial services from the western financial markets.
Therefore, any form of failure in these markets has a
direct effect on the markets in emerging economies.
The concerns relating to the US slowdown and its
intensity have mounted in view of the potential spill over
on to the global economy. With tightening in lending
standards, deterioration in asset quality and deceleration
in consumer loan demand, events in the financial
markets are beginning to have a persisting impact
on the real economy as well, with direct slowdown
in employment and growth in several economies
across the world. Terms-of-trade losses due to soaring
commodity prices have not only reduced the capacity
of a re-balancing of the world economy but have also
adversely impacted several countries. Although the
Emerging Market Economies (EMEs) are exhibiting
resilience until now, the eventual depth and width of the