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Factors Affecting Consumers Buying Behavior at Supermarkets

Essay by   •  June 10, 2019  •  Research Paper  •  5,236 Words (21 Pages)  •  905 Views

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Factors Affecting Consumers Buying

Behavior at Supermarkets


Abdullah Khuawja

Areeba Khan

Hasana Naseem



Submitted to:

Usman Ali Warriach

Term Proposal

Methods of Business Research




The objective of the research is to find the customers buying behavior in a Supermarket. For this purpose 200 respondents will be asked to participate in the research after the collection of data correlation analysis, regression and descriptive analysis will be done. The respondents are those people who visit supermarkets on regular basis along with the direct respondents who visited Chase, Naheed and Imtiaz Supermarket with their consent in Karachi. A questionnaire is prepared and the data will be gathered through survey. The main focus of the study is to find out the impact of Quality of product, availability of product, sales promotions offered in a super marts and the environment given to consumers have any impact on buying decision or behavior of the consumer. Hypotheses are applied and results are conducted accordingly.

Keywords: Consumer buying behavior, products Quality, Availability of Brands, Sales promotion and Environment.

Table of Contents

  1. Background and Introduction 4
  1. Background of the Study5
  2. Statement of Problem5
  3. Research Questions5
  4. Objective of the Study5
  5. Significance of the Study5
  6. Limitation of Study5
  7. Scope of Study6
  8. Assumptions6
  9. Definition of Keywords6
  1. Literature Review7
  1. Introduction7
  2. Theoretical Framework11
  3. Hypothesis11
  1. Research Method12
  1. Research Design12
  1. Type of Research12
  2. Method of Research12
  3. Objective of Research12
  4. Scope of Research12
  5. Approach of Research12
  6. Time Horizon13
  7. Study Setting13
  8. Type of Investigation13
  9. Philosophy of Research13
  1. Population and Sample14
  1. Sample Unit15
  2. Sampling Technique14
  3. Sample Size14
  1. Instrumentation14
  1. Variable14
  2. Validity Test14
  3. Reliability Test14
  1. Ethical Consideration15
  2. Data Analysis Plan15

            Reference 16

  1. Introduction and Background
  1. Introduction

Super marts are becoming a necessity of large cities as the time is passing rather than just being an option of convenience for the customers, the reason for this change and sudden popularity and demands for the super marts among the common people are varies as they provide a relaxing environment and people got safe from the hassle of buying different things from locations and so on. In addition to all this promotion related to prices becomes a factor also for its attraction and popularity towards public, as the consumer demands and choices are changing day by day due to the extensive amount of new brands and products super marts are able to capture most of the kind of customers in the market due to its vast variety of products in it.

Along with many factors the major concern that mall owners  have is to make an irresistible price strategy for its buyers and this concern is well understandable also as in the end what matters is that what the customer has bought from the mall and what he took home , as the only thing that have the major impact to retain customers or what makes the customers to come back to that specific mall is the relaxing price given the malls further it has also been observed from several researches that even those customers that didn’t have much knowledge about the pricing can detect changes in the price of their favorite or regular use product by comparing the prices from one mall to another.

Consumers and shoppers attracts towards the shopping malls due to several reason that are concluded by following many researches of different authors and those factors can be quality of the product, products quantity as we can see that in shopping malls the consumer don’t have to worry about the quantity of any certain product along with this good and clean environment emerges as a key factors for the attracting of the shopping moreover it is also observed that people consider shopping malls not only for the shopping purpose but also to avail this location as a place to get together with relative and friends, the place where they can now enjoy movies or even dinners with their close ones in a good atmosphere.(Rajasekar,Chandar, 2016)

The business contribution is more in shopping malls than the traditional markets as shown in several researches conducted in different cities and even in countries and thus surprisingly the results remains largely same in the favor of shopping malls as the best alternative in replacement of the traditional market. The reason observed in these studies with respect to the continues emerging market of shopping malls are the constant strategies of mall owners to gain consumer trust and loyalty, the results reveal that variety of products holds by stores, sales promotions that shows a good ratio of trends in which buyers gets advantages and comparatively reasonable pricings are the factors that attracts the shoppers (Rajgopal, 2009).

To know the reasons in Pakistan regarding the new trend of customers to incline more towards the shopping malls this research is conducted from the Pakistani perspective as very little work can be found on this with respect to Pakistan. By conduction these sorts of studies the benefit of findings can directly go the user end or customers as the mall owners can get insured of the factors that attract buyers and thus they can concentrate more on those factors to facilitate its buyers further it can be helpful in making the strategy and planning the best way to enhance their business in order to maximize their returns.



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