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Farming in Uganda

Essay by   •  January 28, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  6,750 Words (27 Pages)  •  1,384 Views

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An Aquaculture Systems (AS) was designed, built and evaluated in this study. Pre-operation test results indicated that the system was capable of delivering sufficient dissolved oxygen and removing carbon dioxide to acceptable levels for fish growth. Arctic Charr(Salvelinus alpinus) was raised to assess the technical functionality of the system. Based on the results of the water parameter analysis, the system was technically able to deliver optimum water quality for fish growth in the cold water environment at the facility. Commercial simulation of a scale-up system culturing seabass (Lates calcarifer) in Uganda shows that it is financially feasible, but sensitive to changes in price, operation costs and production quantity. Starting an AS farm is a challenge, where application of knowledge in aquaculture engineering, water quality management and financial prudence will have to be coordinated before profits can be realized.


1.1 Background

There is growing interest in Aquaculture System (AS) technology especially in intensive finfish culture in the world. This is due to the perceived advantages that AS greatly reduces land and water requirements, offering a high degree of control of the culture environment that allows year round growth at optimal rates and fish biomass can be determined more accurately than in ponds and lakes (Masser et al. 1999, Duning et al. 1998). A typical AS consists of a water supply system, biological filtration, natural water flow mechanisms, aeration and oxygenation system and other water treatment components that deliver optimal water quality for fish growth within the system (Hutchinson et al. 2004). AS also offers other potential advantages for aquaculture including the ability to place the farm in locations where water resources are limited and near to the market to reduce product transport time and costs (Hutchinson et al. 2004). With more stringent water pollution control, AS provides greater environmental sustainability than traditional systems in managing waste production and also a possibility to integrate it with agricultural activities such as using water effluent for hydroponics (Summerfelt et al. 2004). Another key advantage is that AS technology is species-adaptable which allows operators to switch species to follow market preference for seafood products (Timmons et al. 2002). "Even though AS is capital intensive, claim of impressive yields with year-round production is attracting growing interest from prospective aquaculturist" (Losordo et al. 1998, p.1). This includes government policy makers in the fisheries sector and also fish farming companies in Uganda. Commercial AS technology is relatively new in Africa. A system was introduced in Uganda in 2000 where a local aquaculture company is dependent on a joint venture partner from Australia to operate the farm in order to achieve the production level to sustain the fish farm. The Authority is planning to set up a smaller scale AS in other states in the country as a means of introducing the system to local Fishermen's Associations and aquaculture farmers in the area.

1.2 Fisheries sector in Uganda

Uganda is endowed with plentiful of freshwater resources. Out of its total area of 241,000 km2, 44,000 km2 (or 20%) is covered by water. This includes major and minor lakes, rivers, swamps, dams, valley tanks and ponds. There are an estimated 165 lakes in the country. The most productive of these is Lake Victoria, which accounts for 58% of the country's total fish catch. It is followed by Lake Kyoga and Lake Albert with 16% and 13% respectively.

All the national waters are fresh and contain an impressive range of fish species. Over 350 fish species are known to exist in these water bodies. Most of the available species have not been exploited adequately. The most important of these for commercial and subsistence exploitation are the Nile Perch, (Species of the Lates), the Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis), the Herring-like (Alestes), the Catfish (Bagro and Clarion), Hydrocynus (Tigerfish), the small "Sardine" Rastrineobola, the Lungfish (Protopterus) and the Haplochromines. There are no precise figures of overall annual potential yield but the Department of Fisheries Resources (DFR) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries (MAAIF) estimates that it stood at about 330,000 metric tonnes in 2005.

Average annual catch is estimated at 230,000 metric tonnes valued at about US $ 80 million. In 2006 aquaculture production is estimated to be 25,400 tonnes up from 500 tonnes in 2000 following significant investments by emerging commercial fish farmers.

The fisheries sub-sector is one of the most dynamic in Uganda. It is a major source of employment for the populations that inhabit the areas around the shorelines and the islands of the main water bodies. In 2003, as many as 278,862 people (excluding those involved in fish farming) were directly employed in fishing and at landing sites (as boat owners, fishermen, fishmongers, artisan processors, boat-builders, net-makers, etc). The total number of people depending directly on fisheries stood at 1,219,724. Employment in fish processing was estimated to be 2,580 in the same year. This is expected to have increased to about 5,000 in 2005 with increased output and several new entrants in the sub-sector. At least 10 of the export processing establishments are located in Kampala with employees drawn from urban populations (UFPEA, 2006).

1.3 Project statement

The operation of AS which are mechanically sophisticated and biologically complex requires education, expertise and dedication (Duning et al. 1998). Prospective operators of AS need to know about the required water treatment processes, the component of each process and the technology behind each component. Many commercial AS have failed because of component failure due to poor design and inferior management (Masser et al. 1999). Good knowledge of the design of the system, specification of the technical components and operation of the system is therefore a prerequisite for a sustainable AS farm. Capital investment for the setup of an AS is normally much higher than that of a conventional production system due to the requirement for additional equipment to treat water for reuse. The water treatment process could increase operation costs and failure of the treatment system would result in huge economics losses (Summerfelt



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