Food Liability Bill
Essay by people • August 16, 2011 • Essay • 1,577 Words (7 Pages) • 1,641 Views
Complexity: it refers to the amont of differntiation present in the organisation. The organisation has a faculty wing and adminstrative wing. The structure of both these divisions are completely differnt from each other.
Horizontal differntaition: Its referred as the degree to which task are divided to homegenous group. WALAMTARI has limted horizontal differntiation with faculty, adminstrative and construction and maintenence wing forming three distinct units. Within the faculty division horizontal differntaition are seen at the training and consultant level.
Vertical differntiations: It defines the number of levels in the orgaisation. Since WALAMTARI is a quassi government organisation the vertical differnations are much higher especailly for the adminstrative wing. The staff of this wing are government employees and the hierarchies are well defined according to the service rules. The following daigrams depicts the differnt levels of vertical differn
Structural dimensions: large number of difference exists between the structure and functioning of faculty and administrative wing. Hence we divided the organization in two parts and identified structural dimensions of faculty and administrative department separately.
Dimensions Faculty wing Administrative wing
Formalization Low - relative higher freedom are provided for the faculty, the rules and procedures regarding training and consultancy are vaguely described and change according to each training or programme High - rules and procedures are strictly laid and followed. Procedures for each of the activity are prescribed and protocols are maintained.
Specialization Low - job specification of the faculty are low, the mandate given to each faculty are ranges from coordination of trainings to taking up consultancy assignment Extensive - responsibilities are well defined. The domain of each staff restricts to job allocated.
Hierarchy of authority Wide, the hierarchy of the authority is shorter, the faculty report directly to directors of each wing and to the director general. Tall, the hierarchy of authority is taller, there are various level of hierarchy starting from senior assistant to that of administrative officer and the director general.
Centralization Highly centralized- since this is quassi- government organization the decision taking power rests with the top officials like the director general and the executive committee
Professionalism High- faculties are deputed from I & CAD and will be of the cadre assistant executive engineers and higher. Moderate- people are recruited from other departments. Basic qualification starts with intermediate (pre-degree).
Personnel ratio Faulty staff ratio- low , the total number of faculty are around 16, while the total strength of the organization is 55, hence the ratio comes to around .29 Administrative staff ratio-High, number of administrative staff is around 39 and the ratio comes to around .7
Multi-lateral partnerships for gaining capacity building assignments- capacity building activities undertaken by the institute require huge amount of resource both in terms of finance and man- power, so in order to maximize its efforts WALAMTARI has envisaged a strategy of forming multi lateral partnership with various agencies like MOWR, WB, IWMI. Projects are identified were WALAMTARI can play is part and optimal resources are allocated.
Leverage the skills of human capital to find out new avenues of research and Win consultancies- The present staff of WALAMTARI are highly experienced employees of I & CAD department and hence the knowledge and experience these staff posses are immense. In order to capitalize this human resource capital and new avenues for research and consultancy are identified and these staff is made part of these assignments.
Publicize the Organizational credentials for finding clientele: Currently clientele base of WALAMTARI is formed by various institutions like government departments, Private partnering organization, farmer institutions etc. Lately WALAMTARI has envisaged on the path of publicize the organizational credentials and the expertise of this organization in order to increase the clientele base. Research findings, training need assessment etc are undertaken as part of this strategy.
Systems of the institute are the criteria's of each transaction which happen in the institute. The understanding of prevailing systems helps knowing the relative importance of each transaction to the institute, the owner and beneficiaries of these transactions.
Some of the systems which we identified in WALAMTARI are
Rules and regulations - Trainings form one of the core activity of the organization and the rules and regulation for the same
The staffs of the organization are constituted by both permanent and contract staff. The organization has no control over the recruitment of the permanent staff as these staff is mainly deputed