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Geroge Lincoln Rockwell

Essay by   •  September 13, 2012  •  Essay  •  281 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,596 Views

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What rockwell belives

George lincoln Rockwell, has one major belief. He belives that " blacks" should not live in America. He is a strong beliver that people that origanate from Africa would have and live a much better life if they returened home. In an interview from Playboy Magazine given by an African American He says, " I've got nothing against you. I just think you people would be happier back in Africa where you came from. When the pilgrims got pushed around in Europe, they didn't have any sit-ins or crawl-ins; they got out and went to a wilderness and built a great civilization. The interview countinuse on to let George L. Rockwell to explain himself.

Rockwell's feeling towards Black pepole is very clear, don't wont them here and don't need them here. He has even gone as far as to try and have clinical testing done to prove that majority of African Americans are not as smart as white Americans, that if there was a smart black man he must have some White blood in him. Unfortunatley for Him Ferguson's study, conducted in 1916, has since been discredited by every major authority on genetics and anthropology; they call it a pseudoscientific rationale for racism, based on an inadequate and unrepresentative sampling, predicated on erroneous assumptions, and statistically loaded to prove its point.

In Short I do understand Rockwells point of View, He wishes to make America as great as it can be. His way of gooing about it may have not be the best, But I belive he did lay down major pieces of KINDELING that would later start a fire for change.



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