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Essay by   •  July 29, 2011  •  Essay  •  328 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,510 Views

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Globalization in the modern era integrates countries into a standard process by which they are interconnected through trade, communications, labor, and technology. It is an economic phenomenon wherein countries support free trade among developing countries in order to open opportunities for growth, improvement and better allocation of resources. However, there are some people who support globalization and some who oppose it. Could it be merely from the adverse effects of globalization or the opposite? Whichever it is, globalization is currently taking place to set the standards of the world.

Pro-Globalization or globalism, opens doors from country to country to increase political and economic freedom and to enhance trade, communications, labor and technology. Sharing such factors may lead to a more efficient allocation of resources leading to lower market prices, more opportunities for employment, and increased standard of living. Free trade occurs in globalization which is supported by the government and the citizens of the country in order to have a democratic institution.

Anti-Globalization on the other hand is supported by some political group in order to maintain barriers of trade and to deregulate the free market. Anti-globalization supporters also believe that globalism damages the land, violates a country's own values and cultures, and could lead to unintended consequences. Critics argue that poorer countries may suffer disadvantages such as lower market costs for own markets, exploited laborers due to powerful nations' control. In short, critics of globalization implies that it is a process that is being manipulated by global companies to attain their own interests, not mainly giving importance to the morality, as well as the environmental concerns of the nation leading to inequality of income of people.

Despite the negative effects of globalization, it is still up to the country's government to hold or to regulate acts in order to prevent violations of one country to another. Limitations and standards must be set by leaders to prioritize the advantages of the globalization for the benefit of own country.



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