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Having Three Children

Essay by   •  July 14, 2011  •  Essay  •  955 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,520 Views

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Having three Children has its ups and downs, but in a good way, some in a bad way. There are many

Things that I wish to be perfect all the time. But there will always be un-perfect things as well.

The joy of having three children, and having them exactly three years apart, was very planned, and going

To be able to teach them and bring them up in up in this world, being good people, to know how to

Love, respect, and treat others. But then realizing also how much more there was to raising three

Children than we had planned on it to be.

Deciding when to have children was the first decision my husband and I had to make, realizing that we

Had been together since our junior year of High School, and then getting married the very next spring of

The following year. So that made us being together for almost four years. So we had plenty of time being

Just the two of us. But then we had to decide if we had enough space in our little duplex where we

Lived, it did have two bedrooms, so that would be plenty of room for one child. But then we started

Thinking, what if we wanted more children, where would we put them. Well an unexpected promotion

That my husband received at work that included a home to live in for free. And it had three bedrooms,

And plenty of space to have several children, if our hearts desired, and the good Lord willing. But then

We started thinking how much it would cost us to have a child or children, I was working and making

Minimum wage, and so was my husband. Even though we didn't have to pay rent or utilities, we were

Still optimistic about the cost we would have to put out for our child or children. We would have extra

Mouths to feed, and then all the diapers, and formula, and baby food, and not counting tons of other

Things needed. That was a lot of costing to think about. But we knew in our hearts that we could make a

Living with what we made each week, and also provide for a child or children.

So we got settled in our new home, and that same exact week I found out I was pregnant with our first

Child. We were so excited to start our little family. I can remember taking several pregnancy tests just to

Prove to myself that it was positive. So we pretty much planned this first child, when we knew it was


Right too. Nothing was holding us back, my husband and I had to much Love to share. Then I had to

Make a doctor's appointment to get an official positive pregnancy test, and sure enough I was already

Five weeks pregnant, and would be delivering in the month of august of that first summer in our new

Home. So now was the



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