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Hcl Educational Business in Retail and Institutional Accounts

Essay by   •  August 22, 2011  •  Case Study  •  7,121 Words (29 Pages)  •  1,942 Views

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A Report on

HCL Educational Business in Retail and Institutional Accounts



Final Report


HCL Education Business in Retail and

Institutional Accounts



A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

PGDBM program of

M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Savitha Rani Bikash Kumar Parida

Faculty Guide Company Guide

Hindustan Computers Limited

Career Development Centre

HCL (CDC) Kolkata


It's my real honor and pleasure to be associated with HCL Career Development Centre of HCL Info-system Limited. I deeply express my gratitude towards the company for giving me an opportunity to work as a summer internship trainee at their corporate office under Summer Internship Program (SIP). I express my deep sense of gratitude to Ms. RUMI GUPTA, the centre head of Kolkata for offering me the opportunity to complete my summer internship project under MR. BIKAS KUMAR PARIDA.

I would like to thank MR.RITWIK MUKHERJEE (Project Coordinator), Ms. AMRITA DUTTA (HR) for rendering their help and suggestions.

Next, I would like to express my gratitude towards Prof. SAVITHA RANI. Under whose constant guidance I was able to proceed further which ultimately led to us to complete the project.


Topics Page No.

1. Abstract 5

2. Introduction

2.1 HCL 7

2.2 HCL CDC 10

2.3 Program Offerings 14

3. About the Project

3.1 Purpose 15

3.2 Scope 17

3.3 Limitations 18

4. Main Text

4.1 Methodology 20

4.2 Findings

4.2.1 Retail Activities 23

4.2.2 Competitor Analysis 30

4.2.3 Market Share 36

4.2.4 SWOT 39

5. Recommendations 40

6. Achievements 41

7. References 42


A Survey done by NASSCOM

There are nearly 17000 colleges from where every year 0.5 million IT graduates are ready to serve the IT Industry. According to a survey by NASSCOM, this number is able to fulfill 60% (i.e.: 533333) no. of the total seats and 40% (i.e.: 333333) of seats remain unfulfilled. This gap is expected to grow by larger amount in near future, when the world will become more advanced in terms of technological advancement, automation etc. This analysis has shown the world that, this major problem which has already fixed its roots will darken the future of many countries. To reduce its perilous effects, HCL Enterprises has formalized its 3 decades of IT experience in the form of Career Development Center which is also known as HCL-CDC.

The main activity of the division (HCL CDC) is to provide industry ready IT education and corporate training. It has provided training to institutions like IDBI, ICICI Bank and many other

With respect to this, the project aims at creating brand awareness and trust of HCL CDC along with generating opportunities for the business development. The education and the training are provided keeping in view the requirements of the IT industry. The target customers for the business generation are the Individual Candidates, Corporate and Institutions. The aim was to find the prospective customers, getting in touch with them, make them realize the need for IT training and development, work on their requirements, initiate the negotiation process and then grasp the opportunity which will



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