Hitler Early Life
Essay by people • June 16, 2011 • Essay • 1,049 Words (5 Pages) • 1,973 Views
early life:
Hitler was cruel person who thought that everyone who wasn't a full blooded german was filthy or not worth it. he put alot of people though pain and misery. the people he killed he didn't know and they had no choice or way not to be killed.
Hitler was born on april 20th 1889. he was one of four children, but ended up being a only child, who of his siblings died from diphtheria and one died soon after birth. he's parents were strict and there was evidence that he's father beat him when he was young. after a while in 1895 He's brother and sister were born. Hitlers father died in 1903 from suffering a pleural hemorrhage. he quit school at 16. Because of lung problems and poor school work. He's mother then got terminal breast cancer and was treated by a jewish doctor. she had a painful and expensive treatment and took dangerous drugs while having the treatment and died on december 21 1907. HItler wanted to become a artist, in 1907 he applied to the painting school at the vienna academy of art. he didn't pass the entrance exam. he applied again but this time he couldn't even sit the test. Hitler spent four years in vienna, using on a little of what he earned from selling postcards he drew and painted. Hitler started to dabble in politics.
involvement in world war one:
HItler started at the age of 25 after enlisting in a bavarian regiment. his first engagement against the british and belgians and 2500 of 3000 men were killed or wounded. Hitler was good at escaping without a scratch and avoiding life threatening injuries. Hitler was made runner, taking messages back and forth from the command staff to the fighting battlefield, to soldiers. He never complained about the food, fight wanted to go home. on October, hitler was wounded in the leg, he was taken to hospital where he found out that they had lost the war. he was told that and appalled that there was a anti-war sentiment among german civilians and he blamed the jews.
formation of the nazy party:
After Hitler found out about the anti-war sentiment among german civilians he was appalled. He started to form meeting where he was the speaker. Hitler spoke once and he had everybody's attention. he had such a loud strong voice. Hitler talked about his hate for the versailles treaty for the weimar republic, for communists. and most of all for the jews. His nazy party grew quickly. a lot of ex soldiers joined. He had alot of support. Hitler gathered a small army called SA. beating up anybody who did not support hitler or went against him.
how Hitler became chancellor of Germany:
After the world war 1, germany suffered from a economic depression. HItler used his Loud powerful voice as tactics to gain links to a lot of parties. H knew he had to find a way to win the vote of the public, so he did so by telling them what they wanted to believe and playing on there beliefs. Hitler promised a prouder future for germans then the