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Essay by   •  August 23, 2011  •  Essay  •  384 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,667 Views

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The Holocaust was the murder of approximately 11 million people across Europe. This happened on April 7, 1933 when Hitler took power in Germany. Evidence says that Jews were the ones whom Nazi's targeted because they were the reason for Germany's failures and for all economic problems. Hitler then convinced many Germans who supported his idea, and agreed with the decision of getting rid of anyone who wasn't his type. Hitler also targeted other groups such as Gypsies, disabled people, and some Slavic's, basically anyone who wasn't German. Hitler's goal was to eliminate all people who weren't his type or didn't satisfy him. As the time went by, the hatred against Jews increased drastically and by the year of 1935, Nuremberg Laws removed all Jews of their German citizenship, properties, and jobs as well. The Nazis then decided to apply a yellow Star of David, to make it easier for Nazis to identify Jews. They were also all dressed the same for the same purpose. They were all crowded into miserable ghettos, which were surrounded with barbed wire and stone walls to avoid them from escaping. Inside these ghettos bodies of victims were pilled up everywhere. Most of them suffered from starvation and many diseases were spread amongst each other. For them, there wasn't no time to spend because they were forced to work in factories almost for an entire day, including children. Jews knew they were going to live there until they died, but that didn't keep them away from many things. They distributed underground newspapers and had secret schools to educate Jewish children. They had no rights to do anything, and their opinion definitely was not wanted to any Germans, or else they would be killed. On November the 9th, Nazis attacked Jewish businesses, homes, synagogues, and any other Jewish belongings. This was called the "Night of Broken Glass." All this was then lead to the final solution in 1942, which was to kill all Jews in extermination camps. They were killed with gas chambers, but first were told to undress for a shower, giving them pieces of soap so they could think they were really going to take a shower, sadly the gas chambers were turned on and they were all poisoned with cyanide gas, killing them all at once.



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