Homeostasis Notes
Essay by Beep Boop • September 14, 2017 • Course Note • 932 Words (4 Pages) • 1,185 Views
Statistics in Research
Deduction – go from general theory to a specific prediction/observation
- allows the application of a general rule to specific case to form a hypothesis
Induction – specific observation leads to general theory
- allows us to test a hypothesis deriving from specific observations
Hypothesis – a suggested explanation for a group of facts, accepted as the basis for further verification or accepted as likely to be true.
- Frame a hypothesis to deduct its consequences (specific case)
- must be falsifiable, refutable, or testable
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Null hypothesis – the effect you’re looking for in the experiment does not exist
P-value – the prob. That certain observations would be made if the null hypothesis were true
Low P: likely that your hypothesis is true
High P: unlikely that your hypothesis is true
False positive inference (type 1) – reject the null hypothesis when its true
- If we do everything right, the probability that we have made this error is equal to the P value we come up with
False negative inference (type 2) – accept the null hypothesis when it is really false
- If we do everything right, the probability that we have made this error is equal to (1‐ the ‘power’) of the test
- Negative feedback loop
- Response reduces initial stimulus that caused the reaction
- Increase or decrease in whatever’s being regulated = response that changes it in the opposite direction to the original change
- Gas exchange
- Require surface area for exchange of gases b/w the body and environment
- In lungs – alveoli sacs increase SA
- Require transport system to get gas from lungs to other parts of the body: Vascular system
- Capillaries wrap around alveoli sacs which allows for gas exchange
- Cells
- During development, cells differentiate – so can perform different functions
- 4 basic types of cells
Epithelial | For secreting/absorbing things (e.g. stomach lining), transporting things (e.g. sodium out of urine and into blood. |
Connective-tissue | Stop us from falling apart |
Nerve | Allow communication b/w organs and tissues |
Muscle | Smooth, skeletal, and cardiac |
- Body Systems are made up of multiple organs to perform a function
- E.g. Urinary system consists of:
- Kidney
- Ureter
- Bladder
- Urethra
- Homeostasis
- The maintenance of relatively stable internal fluid environments in which the body’s cells reside (the extracellular fluid)
- Volume of fluid
- Composition
- State of dynamic consistency
- Detect and respond to deviations in physiological variables from their “set point”
- Effector responses are initiated that restore the variables towards optimal physiological range
- Set point can change
- E.g. Barrow receptors (control short term blood pressure) reset after exercise
- Body water
- Intracellular fluid: inside cells
- 2/3 of body
- Direct connection through cell membrane to interstitial fluid
- Interstitial fluid: environment where cells live in
- Direct connection through cell membrane to intracellular and plasma
- Plasma: environment blood cells live in
- Direction connection through cell membrane to intracellular fluid
- Plasma + Interstitial fluid = extracellular fluid
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- Reflex responses and homeostatic control
Reflex | Response sequences |
Stimulus | The detectable change in internal/external environment |
Receptors | Detect the environmental change |
Afferent pathway | Carry the signals from receptors to control (integrating) centre |
Integrating centre | Interprets the signals from the receptors |
Efferent pathway | To carry the output (response) signal from the integrating centre to the effectors |
Effectors | Carry out the response needed to “correct” the situation |
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