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Homosexuality in America

Essay by   •  July 11, 2012  •  Essay  •  1,419 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,370 Views

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Recently everybody is trying to help save our planet. There are some programs and things that can be done to help but there are also other things that are just plain wasteful. Of all of these programs one of the most wasteful is recycling. Many people believe they are helping the environment when they recycle but the truth is they are hurting it. The only people benefiting from recycling are the people who are making money from running the programs. Everybody else loses from it but from some reason more people in America recycle than vote. Everybody who recycles has their own reason or reasons for doing so. Many of them have been lied to and told they are saving money, trees, space, energy, and the environment as a whole while creating jobs.

With the economy the way it is people are doing anything they can to save money and many of them have been told they can save money and help the world if they recycle. The truth of the matter is that recycling costs more money than just throwing away the trash and making products with virgin materials. Instead the government subsidizes over 8,000,000,000 dollars a year for recycling programs. Throwing away your trash costs an average of $50 per ton while most recycling programs cost an average of $150 per ton. That's three times the amount of just throwing it away! Instead of just putting your trash in the landfill it now has to be picked up by a separate truck and taken to a different facility. From there it is cleaned and sorted and then shipped to another facility. From there it is reprocessed into useable material using a method based on what type of product it is. Newspaper, for example, involves bleaching and also creates a hazardous byproduct of a bleachy inky sludge. Then it is transported to another facility where it can be used for remaking newspapers. The only product that makes sense for recycling is aluminum cans because it is cheaper to recycle them then to mine more bauxite from the earth to make new ones. That is why they pay you for them. If it was truly cost effective to recycle other products than they would pay you for those too but instead they charge you extra taxes. If they ever find a way to make it cheaper to recycle everything you will know. Have you ever seen a homeless person picking through the garbage collecting cardboard?

Another reason people choose to recycle is because they want to save trees. It is true that in the next ten years if we don't start recycling more the demand for trees will go up. It is also true that if every copy of a Sunday edition of the New York Times was recycled it would save 75,000 trees. And last and most important it is true that the majority of trees used for paper are grown on tree farms for that very reason. Farming something for use is how the world survives and with a renewable resource like trees as long as we continue to plant them at a comparable rate to how fast we harvest them than it is not harming anything. It's not like we are having a wheat shortage from everybody eating healthier whole grain foods. The truth is if we were to stop farming those trees thousands of jobs would be lost, and the land that has been planted and used as tree farms would stop making a profit. Once the tree farms stopped making money companies would stop replanting them and this would be one of the biggest blows to the environment yet. Thousands and thousands of acres of trees from the farms would be harvested and then never planted again.

Another myth about recycling is that we are saving energy when we do it. This doesn't even begin to make sense. As I discussed earlier where I proved we don't save money by recycling, the whole process is quite long and involved. We are not saving energy by putting hundreds of thousands of recycling trucks on



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