Huffman Trucking
Essay by souixds • January 23, 2013 • Research Paper • 2,478 Words (10 Pages) • 1,545 Views
Huffman Trucking Documentation
Part One - Discussing and Developing Tables
Maintenance Descriptions Table
The table for maintenance descriptions is essential to Huffman Trucking's efficient operations. Within the table are descriptions of the maintenance operations complete by Huffman staff. Also within the table are operations descriptions the company may occasionally complete.
Maintenance Schedule
Using this table, Huffman Trucking employees can schedule and prioritize maintenance duties. Here, maintenance requests, dates and times, and the names of available mechanics will aid in smooth operations.
This table is a list of all Huffman Trucking's available mechanic staff. This table features the names, addresses, and contact information for the company's hard working staff. The company could make additional use of this table by adding payroll, tenure and seniority, and other mechanic specific information.
Parts Catalog
As its name suggests, this table is a catalog of the available parts Huffman mechanics can use. The table does not feature all parts on-hand, but some quantities are available. Huffman Trucking may or may not have these parts readily available. This table is useful for reordering parts, and maintaining strong inventory levels.
New parts will become available, just as they do in all inventory situations. Because of this the parts catalog table will require frequent updates, depending on the parts the company chooses to invest.
Likewise, parts will periodically require removal from the table when they are no longer available from suppliers. Huffman may choose to remove a part or two at company discretion as well, possibly for cost or quality reasons.
Parts Inventory Issues
Problems with various parts occasionally arise. This table offers a place to lodge bad parts for either later removal from inventory, and/or quality inspection. Parts Inventory Issues is intentionally separate from the parts catalog, though it may at times contain similar or the same information. Items falling in this table will likely be taken out of the parts catalog at a later time anyway. The on-hand quantity of these parts will be available in this table, as well as a brief description of specific issues
Parts Inventory Purchases
A complete record of inventory purchases is available. However, this separate table reveals the current or most recent purchases. Rather than scoping through miles of database records for inventory history, this shorter table only holds information going back so many dates. This table can be thought of as a quick reference.
Parts Purchasing History
An essential, record keeping entity, this table features the complete (it should anyway) purchasing history of all parts. Even the parts having issues will find themselves in this record. From order quantity, price, tax, and transaction ID, this available history will assist in maintaining strong inventory records. This table should maintain relationships with one or more other tables, such as parts catalog; parts inventory issues, vendors, and vehicle maintenance. With that in mind it is possibly beneficial to open relationships with the majority of other tables as well.
Tire Distribution Table
Tire Distribution concerns the purchases made by Huffman Trucking customers. When the company sells tires to retail chains, customers, vendors, or any others, that information will go into this table. This table will contain Tire IDs, brand names, brand descriptions, size, and pricing.
Tire Inventory
A listing of on-hand tire quantities is available in the tire inventory table. New tire purchases will require immediate entering into this table to maintain proper inventory status. Here Huffman mechanics can stay on top of their tire needs by knowing what available on-hand is at all times.
Tire Maintenance
As with all parts tires will occasionally require maintenance. This table will reflect maintenance needs, and will require frequent updates as new requests come in. Maintenance history on tires will be available in this table as well. The dates of maintenance requests, tire brands, sizes, and costs, customer information and their last rotation dates, disposal dates and more will be available in this new table.
Tire Purchase
This table will maintain the purchasing needs of tires. The table will require a strong relationship to tire maintenance, tire inventory, and tire distribution. Vehicle maintenance and vendors may benefit from a relationship with this table as well. A One to Many relationship will definitely be in place.
The purpose of this table is to have a separate purchase history for tires. Because of the importance of tires it is to be separate from the parts inventory purchases table, though it may have a relationship with it if there is a benefit. This table may also help costs; a clear and up-to-date purchase record will help maintain Huffman Trucking's budget.
Vehicle Types
For a table with detailed information on the vehicles in the Huffman Trucking maintenance operation staff members can look here. This table should contain information pertaining to vehicle descriptions, vehicle identification numbers (VIN), class codes, service dates, gross weight, mileage, purchase prize, depreciation, removal from service date, and more.
Huffman Trucking's database cannot be complete without a table featuring the company's on-hand vehicles. Sure one can spot the vehicles in sight, but the company is large and has near countless vehicles. Each vehicle in the table will have an ID, brief description, purchase date, insurance information, and naturally plenty of detail regarding parts and tires.
Like many of the other tables, the Vehicles table will have a One to Many relationship with several others. In fact, this table above all is best suited to have a relationship with all tables, just because of the information it holds.
The Vendors table is one of the most critical of tables. Strong working companionships with vendors are necessary for Huffman Trucking to stay afloat. A table featuring vendor information keeps a clean, organized record of important contacts.
This record will feature an ID