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Ideologies in the World

Essay by   •  March 30, 2013  •  Essay  •  538 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,672 Views

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There are 200s coutries in the world. As a good country, it must have a philosophy to determine the way of life its civilization,that is called Ideolody. There are a lot of Ideologies in the world as well. For example Liberalism, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism Communism, etc. In Indonesia we have Pancasila as the way of our life civilization. Much Indonesian people know and memorize all Pancasila principles, but unfortunately not so much of them know and understand the meaning or essence of Pancasila princples. There are five principles of Pancasila, they are: belief in the only one God, just and civilized humanity, the unity of Indonesia, democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives, social justice for the whole of Indonesian people.

The first priciple is belief in the only one God. Belief in the only one God means that Indonesia is a religious country, no matter what our religion are, but we have to believe in one God because Indonesia is not atheism, and we have live together in this country harmoniously as well. It also means that our country was established as a place of devotion to the God. All our activities and politic policies must not contradict with God rules.

The second principle is just and civilized humanity. It means human beings be treated with due regard to their dignity as God's creatures. There is no suppression of human in this priciple. All society must live peacefully, and respect each another. This principle also means that the country ensures human rights.

The third principle is the unity of Indonesia. Indonesia is a big country which inside there are more than 17.000 islands. Every island consists a lot of religions, cultures, and languages and people attitudes that are different. Differences are very susceptible of conflict. That is why we need unity in our life as big country. This ideology is a unifier in our daily life. I we reflect this thing, no more conflict in our beloved country.

The fourth principle is democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives. This is a simple principle which means society must have a wise leader who leads the governance system. Within a decision-making, the leader must do deliberations with with some representative.

The fifth princple is Social justice for the whole of the of Indonesian people. It means all society whatever their religions, cultures, languages, educations, skin color and social background, they will get same treatment. In this principle is also contained the purpose of Indonesia. It is princple is Social justice for the whole of the of Indonesian people

In short, In Indonesia there are still so much society do not understand the meaning of Pancasila as way of our life civilization. There are five principles of Pancasila, first belief in the only one God, second just and civilized humanity, third the



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