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Importance of Instructional Materials in the Teaching of English Language

Essay by   •  January 22, 2019  •  Research Paper  •  9,614 Words (39 Pages)  •  2,977 Views

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        Instructional materials facilitate teaching and learning activities and consequently the attainment of the lesson objective. However, this depends on the adequacy and appropriateness of materials selected. This in effect means that learning resources were not selected haphazardly. Indeed, resource materials to be used should be carefully selected by the teacher. This is an aspect of the teacher's duty where special skills in educational technology and psychology of learning will come to be his assistant.[a][b]

        Ayuackgbuo (2000) views that instructional materials are those materials or resources employed by the teacher to make teaching and learning effective and productive. With the use of the instructional material in the teaching of English Language, the students are made to perform actively. Poor usage of instructional materials in teaching to a large extent hinders student performance in the English Language.[c][d][e][f][g]

        Looking at the importance of instructional materials in the teaching of English Language in Kalamansig National High School, it will be of significance that Kalamansig[h][i][j] [k][l]National High School starts making use of teaching aid in the teaching and learning process because of its importance and outcome. The achievement of this research is that by the end of this study, the use of instructional materials will be given upper hand and recognition in the teaching of English language[m].

Following the increase in poor performance of students in the English Language, both in spoken and in written form, the study investigated relevant information on how to promote the effective teaching and learning of English Language using instructional [n]materials. The problem of this study, therefore, is to look into most frequently used instructional materials according to its categories in the teaching of English Language in Kalamansig National High School.

Statement of the Problem

        The study envisioned to answer the following questions:

  1. What category of instructional materials is most frequently used?
  2. In each category of instructional materials, what is most frequently used?
  3. How does the use of instructional materials promote effective teaching of English language?


Significance of the Study

        The findings of this study will be useful to the school administrators, curriculum planners, teachers, students and the nation at large. The administrators may be able to discover and understand the importance of instructional materials and at the same time make it as a law for all the teacher of English Language to start using instructional materials in teaching. Curriculum planners will be helped to put in place those missing links in the use of instructional materials and fill the gap during curriculum planning. The teacher will be able to improve their method of teaching and strategies, which in turn motivate the students during classroom activities. The use of instructional materials in the teaching of English Language will act as a motivating factor for the students to put their interest in English Language classes. After the research, it is expected that they will increase the number of student's performance in English Language and all the [o]subjects offered in the university. The use of instructional materials in the teaching of English Language will equally help to achieve effecti[p]ve teaching of English Language.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused mainly on the most frequently used category of instructional materials as well as its importance in teaching the English Language. This study limited itself to the randomly selected 186 Grade 10 students in Kalamansig National High School. It also covered the visual, audio, audio-visual and interactive materials used in teaching English.

Definition of Terms of the Study

Instructional Materials - are tangible materials used to aid the students                                                  in the teaching-learning process. It is a very useful tool to   make                                 learning easy.

Visual Materials - are instructional materials that can be applied only to                                         the sense of sight.[q][r]

Audio Materials- are instructional materials that can be applied only to                                                    the sense of hearing.[s][t]

Audio-Visual Materials- a [u]term derived from audio and visual to indicate                                                    a variety of communication materials used to send out                                         messages, ideas, and experiences through the active                                                 participation of active organs of both sight and hearing.[v]

Interactive Materials- materials help students to strengthen problem-                                                  solving and critical thinking skills.[w]

Teaching - it is the process of imparting knowledge to the clients and an                                                             active process in which one person shares information with                                         others to provide them with the information to make                                                 behavioral changes.



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