Intrest Goups
Essay by people • May 16, 2011 • Essay • 2,254 Words (10 Pages) • 1,382 Views
Part One:
1. Interest groups are especially numerous in America for major reasons. One of the reasons is that America's constitutional system creates many areas of interest. Since our political system is split up between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, it causes several places to argue a case about. If America had a sole official, like Great Britain, there would not be so many interest groups. Another reason is that America has so many interest groups is due to the fact that we have weak political parties. Since we have normally fragile political parties, our interests operate on the government. Chicago has historically had a very strong Democratic party, which makes labor unions, business associations, and citizens groups forced to work with the Democratic party on its' terms, so there are not as many interest groups. Although majority of America, places have a weak political parties like Boston or Las Angeles, and interest groups often help to make policies as opposed to the actual party. Finally, there are many kinds of cleavage in our country. The religions, regions, occupations and other social facts divide American into different interests.
2. One factor that led to the emergence of interest groups is America's large development in the economy. There are interest groups that have emerged due to farmers producing cash crops and interest groups made when mass production industries were rising. Interest groups also have emerged when there is a strong leader in office. The role of government in our lives is another factor that leads to the development of interest groups. When several policies are made, there will be more opinions on what is right for the person, which in turn leads to a new interest group. There are several periods in time when interest groups have emerged because of certain events or issues. In the 1770's when we were fighting for independence of our country, many independence groups emerged. Also, in the 1830's and 1840's, several interest groups for antislavery were created, while in the 1880's and 1890's was the prime time for business association groups.
3. Two types of interest groups are institutional and membership interests. Institutional interests are very organized. Where the members of the group would include universities and foundations, and their main plan of action would be to deal with the issues that affect ordinary people in their daily lives. In membership interests are free-willed. Such as being part of a religious group, where many people join the group for a better sense of understanding and duty in society and or politics.
4. People join interest groups for three major incentives. Some join for material incentives; they get something tangible out of the group. Some farm organization group members can receive money and or services; the same goes for retired people interest groups. They group gives back to the members, with keeps them coming. Another incentive is for the purpose of the actual organization. Members want to join because they can give to the organization. For example they can bring lawsuits to attention or simply engage in research to help. Finally, one is solidary incentives; being in a group to some is like being in a family. Some groups that are great examples of this companionship and belongingness are the NAACP and the League of Women Voters.
Part Two:
7. Many people are opposed to interest groups and PACs for a number of reasons. They have a belief that PACs influence votes in Congress, people believe that groups are biased and they think that interest groups improperly influence decisions made in government. Each of these points can address in defense of interest groups. A major reason that people have a negative view on the interest groups is because people fell that groups are biased. It is said that groups have an upper-class bias. They fell that high class people are more likely to join an interest group then lower-class people. Also they see that business interest groups are more financed and numerous then interest groups for minorities and consumers. Although there are few points that defend interest groups in this issue. They find it east to attend meetings