Invatation Letter to Japanese Embassy
Essay by angel612 • November 16, 2011 • Essay • 1,093 Words (5 Pages) • 1,738 Views
Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of Japan to
the Republic of Singapore
16 Nassim Road, 258390 Singapore
Tel (+65) 6235-8855 / (+65) 6733-3957
fax (+65) 6733-2957
Nov.14, 2011
Your Excellency, Mr Yoichi SUZUKI, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan,
My name is Takahashi Shizuka, and my Chinese name is Angel Zhao Xiaohua. I represent a group of 4 students studying in Kaplan Higher Education Academy (KHEA, formerly KU) under Murdoch University's Bachelor of Commerce in Hospitality & Tourism program.
Our group name is Chimu Tourism Management Consultancy Group, which is currently undertaking of Destination Strategic Management Plan of Japanese Garden Singapore.
After our site observation, interviews, survey, and appointments with the stakeholder of Japanese Garden--Jurong Tourism Council (JTC), we have analyzed that Japanese Garden is catered into a declined stage. The main issues for what that situation happened are as below:
1.Brand Issues
The brand issue for Japanese Garden is boring and not enough attractiveness. Therefore, changing the brand image of the customers mind is one of the primary issues that would need to be addressed.
2.History Issues
The Japanese Garden is built for people known the Japanese culture and relatively between Singapore and Japan in the earlier 1970s. However, after survey, we have noticed that there are only 4 out of 60 responders know the history of Japanese Garden.
3.Investment Issues
There is very limited budget for gardens developing, due to the garden for Singapore government is the one of the business which always loss money. Therefore, it also is very difficult find out anyone organization do investment for developing Japanese Garden.
4.Lack of Japanese Culture
As the garden is named for Japanese Garden, there is lack of Japanese Culture.
However, Japanese Garden is surrounded by nature beauty, and peaceful and tranquil environment. The place will be wasted if there's no one to appreciate. Therefore, creating awareness of the place is very important for this area. Om addition, Japanese Garden was built in 1975 to built a strong bond between Japan and Singapore. Therefore it is important to bring out the culture that had been neglect for quite some years. The place is full with heritage and culture value that it should not be wasted but to bring back into live once again.
The proposed plan of Japanese Garden is consists of given people whole new experiences and educating of history and cultures altogether. It is a combination of "Eco-Edu-Experience". The further proposed plan and discussion will be done throughout the report, by introducing unique kind of new culture experiences and activities that could entice everyone around the world. There are some main development ideas are as below:
1.Seasonal Garden.
Seasonal garden consists of trees which flowers' colors can represent four seasons which the group wants to design it to locate around the garden. Singapore is a country, which is located in Torrid Zone. And the climate of Singapore hardly changes in a year. It is very interesting to add seasonal garden in Japanese garden because most of Singaporean haven't seen autumn and winter. It also brings more colorful to the garden and would look more beautiful and attractive to the visitors.
2.Japanese Dry and Wet Tea House
Group suggests that building Japanese dry and wet tea house in order to utilize resource in Japanese garden. It can attract people to come