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Is Global Warming a Threat?

Essay by   •  May 17, 2011  •  Essay  •  316 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,381 Views

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Is global warming really a big of a threat to us like most scientist say it is? Not all scientist would agree, as would I. scientist have only been keeping exact record of the earth's surface temperature. Many people believe that global warming began since the industrial revolution during the 18th century. Global warming is a warning to us humans that if we do not make more of an effort to prevent polluting the air. Otherwise all plants, animals, and humans will slowly die off. Scientist have discovered that the earth has went through similar harsher winters and summers.

Humans are not the primary cause of global warming. Although an argument could be made saying that humans have contributed to global warming, it certainly would not be fair to place all of the blame on mankind. From past climate change, it can be proven that global warming is in fact the product of natural causes.

\ Anything from as little as a cigarette to as big as a factory, letting fumed smoke rise into the air, is polluting it. Mean-global-temperature (MGT) is related to the concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor and other trace gases) in the atmosphere. The most obvious greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2).

Between 1895 and 1940, before people started using bigger amounts of fossil fuels(made of dead plants and animals), it was evident that the earth had a rise in temperature. Then years later, the earths temperature had lowered. "A cooling trend began after 1940 and bottomed out by the mid 1970s, at which new stories discussed the possibility of 'global cooling' and even a new ice age" (Ruschmann 46). Before I was born, scientist were saying the earths' temperature was going to drop causing maybe another ice age. But soon enough, the earths temperature heated up and it is said that the earths temperature will cool down.



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