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Islam Paper

Essay by   •  July 28, 2012  •  Study Guide  •  349 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,585 Views

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I have to say that I really don't understand why anyone would be drawn to

Islam. I understand that I am a Christian. And as a Christian, I subscribe to certain

Undeniable characteristics of a Christian i.e. Love, compassion, and charity. Grant it

Many of these traits come after years of walking with the Lord. However, The

Transformation that the Holy Spirit produces in the believer is overnight. While

Many new believers continue to perform the same actions that led them to the Lord

To begin with, most are deterred by the sudden feeling of guilt, or by the incessant

Unbelievably precisely accurate still small voice echoing your actions over and over

And over again removing all nostalgia from your fleshly actions, instead replacing

Them with something from a scene out of "the clock work orange" were the mere

Thought of satisfying your flesh throws you into a tirade of nausea and bouts of


My desire is not to slam Islam or it's believers. My goal is to simply state the

Obvious differences between Christianity and Islam, show how these two faiths and

Shape and mold the lives of their followers and lastly to point out the Impact that

These two faiths have on our world system.

Let's look at the topic of Hell. As Christians we believe that Jesus having

Been Crucified has taken upon himself the punishment for all of our sins so that we

May Enjoy all eternity with him. We will not be going to Hell. Hell is reserved for

The Devil and his demons and any and all who reject the Lord as their personal

Savior. Islam on the other hand teaches that all will spend time in Hell. The

Righteous along with the unrighteous. In fact, it goes so far as to teach that no one

Can know for sure who will end up going to Paradise and who will not. The process

is completely dependent on works. If your good works exceed your bad works than

You will



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