Jesus Is Coming Soon
Essay by people • July 22, 2011 • Essay • 405 Words (2 Pages) • 1,941 Views
The Bible teaches that Jesus came into the world as a fulfillment of prophecy to redeem mankind from its sins. He came first as a suffering servant. The next time He comes, Jesus will come as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The question is-"Will we be ready for the return of Jesus the Christ?"
Make no doubt about it that the Devil and his cohort will be doing everything in their power to disgrace the gracious return of the Savior. Even now the world is undergoing tremendous upheaval in keeping with prophecy as the Enemy tries his best to disguise is utter demise.
The question remains though-"Will we be ready?" The movements toward a One-World Government, One-World Economy, and One-World Religion is gaining momentum unsurprising to the astute Bible reader. That is all the more reason that those that do read their Bible sound the alarm to awake out of a slumber those that are asleep while it is day.
The stakes are high as many are still without a Gospel witness and on their way to hell because they have believed the Devils lie that, unless they accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, "they shall not surely die."
The Bible teaches-"...that it is appointed unto man once to die, and after that the judgement." Hebrews 9:27
If you are reading this today, harden not your heart, repent of your sin and accept Jesus as your Savior. What have you to lose?
Truly, the world is in need of a Savior because our best efforts have all failed apart from God. It is about time that we wake up and smell the coffee and give God, who is our only hope a try. Two world wars, economic catastrophe on a global scale and the scourge of aids are all signs of the times of what will continue to haunt us without putting our trust in God through Jesus Christ.
I know the Savior lives because He lives in me. I am a living witness to the mercy and grace of God. But don't take my word alone for it...let the record speak for itself as to how God through Jesus Christ has impacted the world for good.
No other religious leader has mad the difference that Jesus has. And only Jesus can lay claim to having risen from the dead. Jesus lives.