Jesus & Mohammed Paper
Essay by talltupguy • January 23, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,430 Words (6 Pages) • 1,763 Views
Jesus & Mohammed Paper
Course HUM 130
February 26, 2011
Jesus & Mohammed Paper
The Life of Jesus Crist
The life of Jesus is found in different places, and has to be pieced together. For example the story of his birth is a well-known story that is recounted every year during charismas, even though there are debates as to whether this is actually the date of his birth. His childhood or portions of it are contained in books that are not traditionally included in the New Testimant of the Bible. Then the years of his teachings which only equate to the final three years of his life are contained in the portion of the bible referred to as the Gospel. These were actually written after his death and by a variety of different people, although because they are in the Bible, they are considered to be divinely inspired writings of man (Fisher, 2005).
The Birth of Jesus
Jesus's birth raises a few questions within the religious community, because there is the concept of telling the whole truth, which is difficult considering that modern historians, and religious figures, cannot say with certainty the actual date of his birth. Then there is the concern of making his life fit with prophecies, of the Messiah. With this said some believe he was born in Bethlehem, and others say Nazareth. In or around Galilee (Fisher, 2005). His mother was named Mary, and his father Joseph. Mary was still a virgin therefor her pregnancy was considered an immaculate conception, betrothed upon her by the holy spirit. Mary and Joseph understood this but were also looked upon negatively because her pregnancy seemed to others as a birth out of wedlock.
The Childhood of Jesus
Unfortunately, up until Jesus started his ministry there is not much about his childhood. The things we do know is at the age of twelve years old there was an incident where, at a temple he debated scripture with the rabies who were extremely surprised at the young boys understanding. There are also accountings of Jesus creating birds of clay as a child and bringing them to life (Fisher, 2005).
Jesus as a Man
The beginning of Jesus's life as a Man was with his baptism by John. This act begins what is referred to as the ministry of Jesus. Starting with the firs of Jesus disciples, Peter, Andrew, James, and John. Each of these men left their worldly possessions behind to follow the man they believed to be the Messiah.
Throughout Jesus life he performed many miracles, from creating food, healing the sick and lame, even bringing people who had been dead for days, back from the dead. These miracles, are seen as evidence of his divine origins, but his message was not one of harsher worship me and my father, which for the people of the time may have been unusual. Jesus used this opportunity to spread a message of love, which transcended class, ethnical, sex, and religious boundaries. He explained that the church had over stepped its bounds, in greed, and hypocrisy. That the church needed to reexamine its place, and reinterpret its scriptures (Fisher, 2005).
This message obviously sent ripples in both directions, the oppressed, and often times overlooked or mistreated individuals looked toward Jesus as inspiration, while traditionalist that benefited from the status quo viewed Jesus as a threat.
The Death of Jesus
Throughout Jesus life he eluded to his fate, which he would need to lay his life down to prove his love and dedication to the people. His death was a symbolic representation of his life and service to others, and the ultimate act of love.
Eventually the teachings of Jesus, being against the status quo of many institutions of the time, i.e. the church, and government, made him seem extremely dangerous to the powers that be of his time. After a biblical event referred to as the Last Supper, Jesus went to pray, knowing full well that he would be taken and brought before the Jewish high courts. Jesus was asked the question, "Are you the Christ" (Fisher, 2005) and the court found his answer to be blasphemy. This court could not pass the death penalty so they brought Jesus to the Roman governor of the time Pontius Pilate, who sentenced him