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Jewish Religion Interview

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Jewish Religion Interview


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Jewish Religion Interview


Judaism originates from the middle-east which was the ancestral homeland of Abraham, being nearly 3500 years old. It has interesting and old history which is contained in Holy texts that carry their religious information. Judaism as a religion has various beliefs, values, rituals and festivals that are practiced differently by various Jewish denominations.


        Judaism as a religion encompasses the religious, philosophical and cultural way of life for Jews. On a face to face interview with Rafael Micah, a Jewish, we will discover the history, the nature and beliefs of the Jewish culture. Definition of complex Jewish words will be done as well as the comparison of the interviewee’s knowledge with the information found on Jewish books, journals and websites.

At the start of the interview we discussed the reasons that made Micah to choose and stay in the Jewish religion. He stated that, “I was born and raised in a Jewish family with Jewish history. On the search of a religion we I became older, I decided to remain Jewish since it suited me” (Micah, R 2016, Nov 19). He then defined for me the meaning of a Jew to be “An individual born of a legally Judaism converted mother according to the Jewish law” (Micah, R 2016, Nov 19). According to Micah, Judaism revolves around a monotheistic God who created the world and is all powerful. His name is YAHWEH which in Jewish means “I am”. In the question of Jewish religious books, Micah did not hesitate to confirm that the main religious text is called Torah which originally was contained in a more complex text called Tanakh. Tanakh contains the laws given by God, past Jewish practices, histories, organizations and beliefs.

According to Micah, the most primary religious practice in the life of an individual is following the 613 commandments passed from God to Moses, a historical Jewish leader. The commandments are called the ‘Laws of Moses’. Other core religious services include the observance of Sabbath by attending a synagogue to pray, worship and praise God, Shabbat services and Tanakh study. However, one can do these practices to appease God while at home or any comforting situation since He is considered to be Omnipotent.

When asked to highlight and explain the various Jewish observances in a life of a converted Jewish, he highlighted the following;

  • Jewish ethics- Jews follow the Halakhic traditions and moral values which include Peace,

Truth, Justice, Humility, Compassion as well as self-respect. Ethical practices for example refraining from abusive language and moral sexual behavior ensures that there is no disputes and quarrels among Jews.

  • Jewish Prayers- prayers have to be recited at least three times in a day. Most of these

Prayers according to Micah, can be solitarily or communally recited according to different situations. Communal prayers are however conducted by adult Jews highly respected in their religion. Different prayer approaches are used in various Jewish denominations. These differences may range from prayer contexts, prayer frequencies, musical instruments used, prayer languages (vernacular or liturgical) or the prayer events.

  • Jewish Religious Clothing- Jewish clothing is different according to individual’s gender. Clothing such as;

Kippah- which is brim rounded, is worn while recitation of blessings, prayers or when studying religious texts.

Tefillin is a square boxed clothing attached at the forehead or at the left arm that contains biblical verses and words. It is worn on weekdays during morning prayers.

Kittel is an over garment worn by prayer leaders on very important Jewish holidays such as Passover, weddings or in burials.

  • Jewish holidays are mandatory for observation in Jewish calendars. For example;

-Passover is a holiday in the 14th day of the first Hebrew month and it celebrates Israelites Exodus from bondage in Egypt.



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