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Legalizing Marijuana - to Legalize or to Criminalize: That Is the Question

Essay by   •  October 21, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  1,343 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,527 Views

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                                                To Legalize or To Criminalize: That is The Question

      The debate over legalizing marijuana has been a powerfully argued topic in the U.S, and the

reason why this controversial issue has been hard to resolve is because there are multitude of

arguments supporting both sides of the coin. So, what is this marijuana? Why some people think

it should be legalized? And are the benefits from legalization worth to take this risk?

       First of all, marijuana, also known as pot, ganga, weed, grass, and dope, is a greenish-gray

mixture made from the dried and shredded leaves and flowers of cannabis sativa (hemp plant).

The main active chemical in marijuana, that is responsible for most of the intoxication effects

sought by recreational users, is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The plant also has more than 500

other chemicals. It is usually smoked through rolled cigarettes called joints, or through water

pipes called bongs. It can also be brewed like tea or mixed with food, such as brownies and

cookies. (caron.com)

       For centuries, marijuana has been used by people in different countries around the world for

many reasons. It was a legal herb in the U.S up to 1937 when it became illegal. Nowadays, many

pot lovers believe that the decision was wrong and work hard to legalize the drug again referring

to the benefits of pot to the society. For instance, their main excuse is the medical use of

marijuana. They say that pot is the safest therapeutically substance and nobody has ever died

from an over dose. Also, they say that it is effective for people with neurological problems, it can

control nausea and increase appetite for cancer and AIDS patients, and it can control the eye

pressure that causes damage in glaucoma.  (Noel Merino,2015). In addition, they say that people

who have these conditions have two options, either keep suffering by taking ineffective

medication, or seek the illegal treatment and risk suffering the consequences. Like arrests, fines,

court costs, and criminal records. Moreover, the supporters of marijuana legalization say that the

government will benefit from this new law by increasing its revenue. Since the cannabis industry

is a huge business, most of its return goes back to the criminals that control its trade around the

world; but, the situation will change if the government adopts the new law. They even went to

say that the legalization of marijuana did wonders to Colorado due to the state collecting $ 73,5

million tax revenue in July, 2015. (article, legalized marijuana an economic panacea).

         However, all these arguments are not good enough to legalize such a drug because they

neglect all side effects of pot on health and the society. Primarily, many studies have proved that

marijuana is more lethal to human body than alcohol. For instance, the New Northwestern-

Harvard study has punched a big hole to the myth of beneficial marijuana. The study, that

conducted on 40 college students whom 20 of them are regular pot smokers while the other 20

never smoke it, has shown that the smoker’s brain has changed in density, volume, and shape.

The scientists also discovered that the younger people start smoking the greater the

abnormalities. (article, recreational pot use harmful to young people’s brain). Another study done

by The National Institute on Drug Abuse has found that teenagers who started using pot by age

13 are more likely to report lower income and lower levels of schooling by age 29, and usually

do not attend college. As for those who have restrained form it, on average, complete almost

three years of college. (Michelle Schultz)

      Also, pot use poses a threat to lung health. Smokers, especially long -term ones who started

at young age, can have the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers or maybe worse.

Marijuana has four times the tar, three to five times more monoxide, and 50% more carcinogenic

hydrocarbons than cigarettes. Just three to four joints can cause as much damage as 20 cigarettes.

Let’s not forget the short term signs such as difficulty in thinking, concentration, and problem

solving, impaired coordination and decreased alertness(drugabuse.gov). Certainly, no one will

want to share the road with such a driver, or be examined by such doctor. Furthermore, the



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