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Literature Review of Female Entrepreneurship

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The development of knowledge across three articles on analyses of factors affecting investment of wind power project (2008-2014)


As the climate problems become more and more serious, renewable energy industry, seen as the mainstream of future development, has aroused the interest of investors. However, this energy, with wind power as an example[a], has risk exposure that can be defined as uncontrolled factors in the process affecting the enthusiasm of investment (Klessman et al, 2008). This is because wind power[b] still in a development[c] stage, especially in China, resulting in lack [d]analyses of risks and influencing factors of investment. Thus, it is important to analyses[e] the factors which have effect on investment and integrate these ideas together to improve investment of wind power industry. Moreover, investment analyzation connect to my major and interest. Therefore, I choose this topic and define the main purpose of reviewing these three articles.

Although these three articles analyses[f] investment factors from different aspects such as marketing view and management view, Li et al (2014) develop the research to a more practical stage including both relatively breadth analysis from Li et al (2013) and in-depth analysis [g]same as Klessman et al (2008). This essay will firstly explain the rationale and limitations of choosing these three articles. Then, authors’ stance will be demonstrated with visualization. Moreover, in discussion part[h]it will discuss similarities, differences, and development on purpose, the effect of government policy, analyses directions, analyses methods, and wind power pricing respectively. Finally,[i] the findings would be summarized and suggestions would be proposed.


A review comprised of three articles concentrates on discussing diverse influence factors of wind power industry in an attempt to assist investors making decisions and put forward analyses to response [j]bellowing question:

What kind of factors, even in different countries and economic climates, could affect investment decisions in wind power project?[k]

These three articles are all related to this essay’s topic concerning to wind power investment[l]. The first article (Li et al, 2013) was searched through keywords ‘wind powder’ and ‘investment’ in the Google Scholar. This article [m]published in 2013 and was cited 40 times within four years, which is actually a high number in this area. These increase the currency and authority respectively[n]. Moreover, it cited journals and national policies, provided a large number of data and included quantitative analysis to improve the accuracy. Finally,[o] the section of its abstract showed a related relationship with the topic. The earliest article (Klessman et al, 2008), obtained in the reference list of the first one, focused on the European market making up the limitations of lacking Chinese conditions and providing references and comparisons to develop Chinese wind power market. The latest article (Li et al, 2014) cited the opinion that the operation management affected investment from Li et al (2013), while [p]was more advanced than the first text as a result of deep analysis.

It could not be denied that these articles[q], with limited sources, are difficult to include comprehensive analyses of the influence factors of the investment. Meanwhile, different countries practice different policies, which exert enormous differences to risk exposure. However, this essay still furnishes a useful analysis[r] to assistant investors making investment decision. 


These three articles all try to identify the factors that have an effect on investment in wind power project. However, their analyses are from different directions and form a development as illustrated in the figure 1 below. Klessman et al (2008) pay attention to analyses marketing factors,[s] Li et al (2013) partly agree with their analysis and put[t] Chinese reality conditions including management factors and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project into consideration, which make the content of the article more extensive and increase[u] the breadth of analysis. [v]Li et al (2014) provide a specific further analysis of management mentioned in the Li et al (2013)[w] to promote the development of knowledge becoming more deeply.[x]



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