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Mark Narrative Summary and Christology Titles

Essay by   •  January 26, 2015  •  Essay  •  756 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,671 Views

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Mark Narrative Summary and Christology Titles.

The Gospel of Mark unlike the others shows no story of Jesus's birth. It starts off with John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. Right after that Jesus wanders into the wilderness, where Satan constantly tests him for forty days. Jesus then travels to northern par of Israel to Galilee. He meets with two Jewish fishermen who were his first disciples. Jesus then performs a number of miracles. First he cures possessed man, then he cures Simon's sick mother-in-law and in the evenings all of the town's ill and possessed people are brought to him. These stories emphasize Jesus' power and authority over the supernatural. As word spread, Jesus attracted bigger and bigger crowds. Jesus stayed focused on his ministry but his presence drew much attention so he stayed outside of towns in deserted places.

As the story goes on people and even Jesus' disciples begin to misunderstand and reject him. Through out the parables, Jesus constantly asks his disciples, where there faith has gone. Emphasis on Jesus's power over nature is placed from chapter 4 and on. He calms a storm, revives a dead girl, and cures a man possessed by demons. Even thought Jesus is performing all these miracles with many witness, he is still being criticized and rejected in his hometown of Nazareth. Jesus tells his disciples to split up and spread the Gospel. After that when the apostles return, they are swarmed in people who are waiting to hear the good news. Another miracles are described here. Jesus breaks several pieces of fish and 7 loaves of bread to feed 4000. Many people with authority began to question Jesus and his so called abandonment of their old Jewish laws. More miracles are described as Jesus travels to the northern part of his ministry. He heals the child of a Gentile and a deaf man. He also divides fish and bread again to feed thousand more. In the Gospel, the apostles still don't under the real reason for Jesus's actions. Peter recognizes Jesus's divine nature. This is the part of the Gospel where crucifixion and resurrection is realized. It is after this point in the story, that Jesus' actions turn to preaching more than performing miracles. John the Baptist is recognized as Jesus's Elijah. Jesus preaches against divorce and remarriage. He also preaches about young children's' innocence.

The gospel shifts its attention to Jesus now heading to Jerusalem. He begins preaching after the kicks the moneychangers out of the temple. In the gospel, Jesus is very well received by common citizens but is despised by scribes and priests. There are many failed attempts to verbally disfigure him. The Passover is described after this part. During this dinner, Jesus says that he will be betrayed by one of his followers. The priests arrest Jesus. This is when Jesus claims to be the Messiah, so that the Jews bring him in front of the



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