Marketing Plan
Essay by LUCYNDA11 • December 13, 2013 • Study Guide • 3,442 Words (14 Pages) • 1,688 Views
6. Market Strategies
Market Segmentation Strategy
Targeting Strategy
Marketing Plan
Product Life Cycle
Potential Strategies
Core Strategy
3. What is it and how it works
As health issues it will be really very popular product of people all arend the world
and overseas market shares with garancy of satisfied and better hearing people. It is necessary for daily life of ill people problematic with hearing. We suppose to get into this
market as soon as possible. This marketing plan is to review the
company's marketing arrangement for the brazlet - our new product but mainly to
recommend strategic responses.
The Bracelet is able to identify six different sounds (PC, Traffic light voice, cars, mobile phone, voice of people, siren and around the home: doorbell, smoke alarm, alarm clock, baby monitor, and emergency vehicle sirens. It is working on this program that if device senses one of this kind of sounds I mentioned, it activates little rubber feelers imide the bracelet so, that tickle the wearer's wrist.
It force the wearer to look at the bracelet to discover what"s going on. One of the distinct shapes will be put direkt to the wearer to the appropriate item. It's interessting to see how our Bracelet for deaf could be a useful to rank into the person's life. Important to describe is not only useful and potentially life-saving; it's also pretty darned attractive. We can easily see how useful to a hearing-impaired person's life ca nit be.
3.1Description of using
The Vibering system comes in the form of a wrist watt. For sounds is easy to come from behind the individual into to ear of the deaf person. The wristwatch identifies the sound captured by the rings and presents the information to the wearer in an easy to feel the vibrafon or see the light form the bracelet.
The bracelet has little plastic nubs on the inside but i tis not seen immediately. Associated lights indicate which sound has activated the bracelet, letting the wearer direct his or her attention to the appropriate place.
One additional thing is that deaf person needs to communicate with hearing people, what is usual thing for daily life, via sign language, this awesome system would be priceless. future.
3.2 Product Life Cycle
The traditional product life cycle curve is broken up into four key stages. Products first go through the Introduction stage, before passing into the Growth stage. Next comes Maturity until eventually the product will enter the Decline stage. These examples illustrate these stages for particular markets in more detail. We are in the phase that we are starting our business, so we are in the introduction phase of our new product. Our profits are at the beginning so are negative now. We are introdusing it to our customers by using advertising, promotion. In the next step - in the growing phase we are going to start earning.
We provided the prototype product - our customers had 2 weeks for to try it - it was trial vision and after this time they gave it back or they have bought it. We have no competition, because this special product was created by us, firstly. It will be produced for all the social classes and we want to sell it for farmaceutic companies. Firstly we made the research by using questionnaire and personal interview and after this we came to clear results that it this business has a future for us. We came to this idea, besause we know personally many people, suffering under this illness and we wanted to help them. We provided a project supported by some organisation and planning new products. The product class is the special bracelet for deaf people from titanium alloy of copper and zinc materials. Nowadays we have used just one material to produce it but in the future we are going to use other materials too for it. The product form is the bracelet with vibrating and spinning device inside to be useful for deaf people.
The bracelet is virtually indistinguishable from bracelets for health people, I would say, our are more modern and cool too. that you're the person wearing the device, that you're wearing the right device, and that you're connecting it to the right smartphone or tablet, this possibility is petting true in the future too. Our bracelets are always making you sure about the general true, this is who you say you are, and is telling everything around you are hiding the illness of deaf. We hope for the future by spreading it will be used for payments, passwords, even your car and house doors to let the deaf informed that this or that is happening around him/her.
Target Markets
Our company Design will be focusing on three distinct groups of customers: shopping centres, the end consumer, and galleries (galleries to be used as a distribution channel). The end consumer will be interacting with Steve via his website as well as through personal contact at exhibitions/shows. The galleries (also museum shops, jewelry stores) will also be met through the exhibitions and shows. At these events a long-term relationship will be entered into so that the shops become a retail distribution channel for Contemporary our company. Additionally, we will be traveling the country meeting with different galleries and setting up retailing relationships with them.
Positioning strategies adopted by Bracelet for Deaf are styling, quality; and surely pain relief to attract its targeted customers and to help them rang among „normal" people. Besides that, the main purpose of our new area of Bracelets is natural ussage. The ussage is realised by increase of blood circulation The targeted consumers of the product are customers from all social classes, in all ages and in deap illness.
Contemporary our bracelet for deaf will leverage its competitive edge:
* It is based on usefull, creative, unusual designs. While this strategy can be replicated, it is not easy. Creative, materials in many colours, using more kinds of unusual designs require skill.
* We have our internal design, they are very skilled in what they do, and every piece that they manufacture incorporates an element of creative, unusual, eye-catching design that stands out from most jewelry.
* Special using