Men and Women
Essay by allieraesnow • April 22, 2013 • Essay • 970 Words (4 Pages) • 1,930 Views
Men and Women
The common phrase,"Men are from Mars, women are from Venus," is old as time itself. What does however make the different sexes so very different, apart from the obvious anatomy that is? Is it truly nature and hormonal physiology, or social and cultural influences, or could it even be a combination. We are as different from the way we make friends to the outlook we hold on life. How different are men from women, and how different do we actually need to be? Were we meant to behave and act in such polar opposites?
Let us begin with the more simple of the sexes; the men. To generalize, the typical American man loves action, adventure, money, luxury, projects, and games. They have no interest in gossip, shopping, or obsessing over what they will wear the next day and how that particular color will look on them. I like to look at men as man-sized children. I would not insult their intelligence by any means, but it seems as if men develop a coping mechanism to deal with real world situations by not dealing with them. They choose happiness over practicality. They don't care that the new entertainment system they desire to have will cost them triple the amount to put on the credit card, so long as they have it at that very moment. They don't typically remember things that do not pertain to, or are important to them.
Now the typical American woman on the other hand could easily make a twenty-five page paper in itself, however I will generalize and summarize. Women care about and for absolutely everything. They wear their feelings on their sleeve and blame their emotional rollercoaster on hormones. They will become upset or overthink a particular situation, such as a significant other forgetting their anniversary, and will typically overreact. Women like their home to be clean, neat, and to of course smell fantastic. They usually immediately pick up the mess they create to prevent more work for themselves in the future. They need human interaction and for their needs and feelings to be validated. Compliments, of course, are never rejected or found to be offensive, unless used in an inappropriate manner.
All of these accusations of men and women, are of course a generalization that this society holds of the genders. Such as women are over-emotional badgers and bad drivers, and men are crude pigs that are only after one thing. The truth of the matter, however is not only are there legitimate physiological occurrences that affect the sexes differently, but also that society teaches us how our sex is "supposed" to act, how our sex is accepted. The rules change of course from culture to culture, and geographically as well. From the attire worn on television, to the music heard and observed mannerisms a child witnesses around them on a daily account, sends a message of what is acceptable, and