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Mgt 600 - Business Research Individual Project

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MGT600 Business Research Individual project

Christian Menk

January 14, 2012

Professor James Ziegler


A theoretical research paper purposes to show if organizational learning considered a predictor of effective strategic management. The data collected depicts how organizational learning is the core of what is required to achieve and forecast effective leaders. The collected information demonstrates training behaviors, learning, and employee learning retention.

Part 1

Theoretical Framework

The Dependent variable for this study is organizational learning the variable of primary interest the independent variables are strategic management, strategic planning and information technology. The theory and initial focus in organizational learning is to create a new management style. The use of computer system dynamics improves an organizations way of thinking. Organizational learning explores thinking on a broader text how it develops strategic management skills. The background information of the related problem involved two factors namely, information technology and strategic planning.

The two above-mentioned factors researchers say contribute to strategic management in organizations effect on the outcome of a company. The use of information technology and strategic management enables a company to facilitate organizational change by strategic planning.

Information Technology in Organizational Learning

Technology advances systems help implement changes to improve employee performance. A human's ability to cognitively think can limit the ability to understand particular things. Managers often decline to render judgment on complex issues without educating themselves on the organizations business. The variables strategic planning and information technology are associated because leaders should focus on enhancing employee's technical skill as well as managerial skills. The variables strategic management and information technology are associated because a managers understanding of information technology expands on his ability as a strategic manager. The study touches on the fact today many researchers hypothesis on organizational learning

Research on organizational learning and information technology explored, on a basis of explaining the occurrence of strategic change. Managers should try to understand the organization and learn to maximize the overall performance .

Research on organizational learning and strategic planning suggests through action planning and group learning develops a more informed work force. Organizations provide many opportunities to learn making them a requirement for some organizations. Team building is a factor in strategic planning creating coaches and encouraging feedback facilitates organizational learning. It helps employers and employees alike articulate goals. The study Adaptability: The New Competitive Advantage contends today's business environment to succeed it to adapt.

Organizational knowledge consists of information systems and tacit learning by managers becoming fosterers of sustainable development through training. For example, designing an organizational protocol using competitive formulas researches suggest your organization will demonstrate better familiarization of the information. Workers, who lack adequate education and training, or explicit knowledge, struggle to keep up. Coalescing knowledge increases organization intellectual capital. Effective strategic management is apparent by giving employees the opportunity to go through change.

Characteristics and aspects of internal and external organization examined to promote organizational learning and positive change. Organizational changes with improvement are not an easy task to undertake many pressures involved. Management today must react to rapidly changing products and advances in technology to keep a competitive edge.

Part 2

H3: Can organizational learning be considered a predictor of effective strategic management?

Scientific Research design

Research Question:

An in-depth analysis is necessary to establish the practicality of the former mentioned hypothesis. The modeled question stated as to what magnitude would organizational learning benefit from effective strategic



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