Microbiology Project
Essay by people • July 6, 2011 • Essay • 1,112 Words (5 Pages) • 1,707 Views
1. Socialization
a. Agents of socialization
i. People who initiate socialization process
b. Professional socialization
i. Process by which people learn social rules and become members of groups
ii. Internalization of perfressional identity that includes norms, values, attitudes and behaviors of the profession
c. Models of initial socialization
i. Simpson model
1. proficiency in specific tass
2. attachment to significant others in work environment
3. internalization of values of professional group and adoption of the behaviors in prescribes
d. benners stages of nursing experience
i. novice; no experience
ii. advanced beginner; has experienced enough real situations ot make judgements about them
iii. competent practitioner; 2-3 years of experience, organizational and planning experience.
iv. Proficient practitioner: 3 to 5 years of experience, sees situation as a whole, focuses on long term goal
v. Expert practitioner; performance is fluid, flexible and highly proficient, no longer needs guidelines
2. nurse as a life long learner
a. continued formal academic preparation
i. masters degree
b. organizational human resource development
i. ex. Employer offers programs to learn about new equipment
ii. orient new staff members
c. mandatory and voluntary continued education
i. constatnt updating and growth to keep up with technology and changes in the nuring profession
d. episodi learning
i. vouluntary private learning such as reading a nursing journal.
3. learning theorists
a. behaviorism
i. thorndike, Pavlov, skinner
ii. environment influences behavior and how a person controls it
iii. classical conditioning; associate items with responses
iv. operant conditioning; increase frequency of respone with pleasurable out comes
v. reinforcement
vi. extension
1. process by which behavior is unlearned
vii. th more quickly reinforcement follows a response the more effective
b. social learning theory
i. bandura
ii. agrees that the envioronment influences overt behavior but the following is also important;
1. characteristics of the person
2. persons behavior
3. the environment
iii. observational, learing and modeling
c. cognitivism
i. piaget, lewin, gagne, bloom , burner
ii. learning is the development of understandings and appreciation that help the individual function in a larger context
iii. learning is based on a change in perception, that is, learning is largely mental, intellectual or thinking process
iv. cognitive learning process
1. aquiring information- sensory reception and discrimination
2. process information- provides meaning to the information through association, generalization and the formation of concepts
3. using information- app;ying information in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor areas
d. humanism
i. maslow, rogers
ii. focuses on both cognitive and affective areas of th learner
iii. learning is self motivated
iv. catergorization; catergoriziing information
v. constructivism; collection of theories with a common thread constructing or building knowlee
vi. multiple intellects; intelligence has many different branches
e. definition of learning
i. a change in human disposition or capability that persists over a period of time and that cannot be solely accountd for growth
ii. learning is represented by a change in behavior
4. nurses as teachers
a. nurses teach patients who need instruction about treatments or teach groups of learners such as prospective parents
b. teach patient and familie, care givers, health care providers and assistants
5. leadership vs management
a. leadership
i. process of influencing people to accomplish goals
b. management
i. leadership plus coordination and use of resources through planning, organizing, coordination directing and controlling to accomplish specific institutional goals and objectives
c. differences
i. leaders
1. donot have delegated authority power comes from other means
2. have wider variety of roles
3. may not be part of the formal organization
4. focus on group process, information gathering feedback and empowering others
5. emphasize interpersonal relationships
6. direc willing followers
7. have