Multiculturalism in Canada
Essay by Mohsin Abid • February 9, 2016 • Essay • 2,467 Words (10 Pages) • 1,970 Views
Multiculturalism in Canada
What is Multiculturalism?
Multiculturalism is the presence of multiple cultures in a Country. Cultures including the racial, religious beliefs and cultural values, way of thinking and the biggest one of all, their language. Their practices are different that the people in that particular country, in this case Canada.
Canada’s background on Multicultural policy:
Canada as we know did not have a multicultural policy for people of other cultures. In 1971, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau realized that Canada need a multicultural policy in order to preserve the multiculturalism in Canada. In 1988, Canadian multiculturalism act was passed and is recognized under section 27 of Canadian Charter of rights and freedom. Canada was the first country to recognize multicultural policy. It made sure that all Canadians receive an equal right no matter what country they are from and their language is preserved.
Multiculturalism has been a hot topic over the past years. Many debates have taken place to figure out how multiculturalism is a good or bad thing. These debates are still taking place in the current time. Multiculturalism is a solution not a problem.There have been many argument made for and against the multiculturalism policy in Canada, these argument will be presented below and discussed in detail.
Promoting a sense of belonging by preserving the language and culture:
Canada,as i mentioned was the first country to adopt multicultural policy. Canada welcomes people of all cultures with open arm and that is the reason why lots of immigrants come to Canada to become citizens and feel proud. multiculturalism is given the same importance in Canada as hockey. we feel a sense of belonging when we see people of our culture in Canada. Immigrants come to Canada and without a sense of belonging, it is really hard for them to adjust to the country’s culture, beliefs, rules and regulations. If they did not feel welcomed or accepted in the country, it would be impossible for them to stay for more than a month or two. people also feel a sense of belonging when they can speak their language freely. If a person is bound by limitations, it gives them a sense of imprisonment and that is what Canadian government does not want the immigrants to feel like and leave the country. The language is preserved by the policy , “preserve and enhance the use of languages other than English and French, while strengthening the status and use of the official languages of Canada”(Canadian Multiculturalism Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. 24). We see can that strongly in effect, even though people of other cultures have trouble speaking Canada’s official language but they still try to learn it because that is another way people feel attachment to the country. Canada has also made it easy for immigrants to learn it’s official language by providing them with free LINC classes along with free transportation if the classes are far. This shows thatCanada is preserving their official language as well as the language of other cultures. Permissions are granted to people of different cultures to build a holy mosque, temple etc to go and do their prayers. Even though government can be faced by criticism by Canadians, government is adhere to their policies about multiculturalism. Even though the policies are in place , some cultures still don’t feel protected in Canada. Cultures such as Muslims are not ver well regarded by everyone, when ever a disastrous event takes place in another country like bombing, muslim are the first people portrayed in the media in a negative way. This is supported by the article by Naidu”Canadian multiculturalism: a discussion”, where he quotes”Cultures are destroyed by media”.This does effect the freedom of muslim to live freely or practise their culture. Now a days when you are trying to preach your culture to people of other cultures, the first thing that comes to their mind is the word ”Terrorist”. If policies are effective, citizens should be protected by every means of attack and that could also mean portraying them negatively in the media. lots of Christian believe that other cultures have endangered their Canadian culture, their way of living. Now a days we see on every street specially in downtown that christians and muslims are preaching their religion to the people walking on the streets and some times there are conflicts between them on the streets.
promote the understanding and creativity that arise from the interaction between individuals and communities of different origins;
promote the understanding and creativity that arise from the interaction between individuals and communities of different origins. Canada is very well known for interactions between other cultures. People from other cultures learn cultures of immigrants and build friend ships. people respect other cultures and stand up for them if any discrimination takes place. we see now a days lots of wedding of different cultures takes place in Canada and not just people of that culture but people of other cultures join in as well to share the happiness. Different people share their experiences and try to incorporate those experiences in other countries. Companies in western countries, specially in Canada appreciates people from different cultures and backgrounds so they can have diversity in their companies and different people can share their opinions and experiences about company’s affairs as well as to come up with creative ideas to advance Canadian businesses.Companies, now a days want to promote diversity so employees can understand the mentality of people from different cultures and background. This is a great policy introduced because not only does it create diversity in the work place as well as outside but it creates stronger bonds between people of different races and there are hardly any conflicts between people because of good understanding. There is an issue that concerns some people. There is a discrimination that occurs in almost all countries in western countries. As i said, companies want people of other cultures to promote diversity in the company but it comes to promotions in the companies, you only see White Canadians in the management level positions even though , people of other countries and background have higher education. This is a concern for lots of Indians and Pakistani people now a days. They work for years and years in the same position and are never able to go up the hierchery. But these helpless people work quietly in the company because they realize how hard it is to get a job in western countries and spend more than half their lives working for the