My Journey of Self and World Discovery
Essay by people • August 4, 2011 • Essay • 530 Words (3 Pages) • 1,801 Views
a concise summary of the development of a young Nigerian through experiential leadership development
Joined AIESEC officially in 2007 with a lot of uncertainties and hopes but with a well defined focus and goal oriented attributes. My initial view for @was a place where the crème -de-la-crème converges and ifyou aint buoyant, you aint fitting in. Conference attendance and parties were the things attributedto @ers during the period.Induction was boring and unorganized to me but I had good mentors to assist with my goal settings andpersonal development plan. I was eager to do something .
Applying for an LOD position was thebeginning of my taking responsibilities. It was a real eye-opener to what leadership really meant inpractical terms. This stage was the stage where I realized who I was and what my potentials were .Ijoined the ASK team and was the TL for learning team .my key learning's were understanding how raising partnerships andsponsorships, report writing and communication skills acquisition .My competency in public speakinggrew fast that I was confidently chosen to represent my LCP in proxy at the National Congress, Zaria,2008.That conference changed everything about me .I was also active on the virtual platform but notparticipatory .I was also active in other activities of the LC and was given an award of been the mostproactive member on the ASK team that year.
In 2009, I wasn't active in the LC activities at the beginning of the year due to school work but later wasappointed the TL,exchange team for the ASK project .we realized one exchange from Belgium (thoughsmall but significant at that period). I learnt about EP/intern management during this period... that year,I represented my LCP once again at the national congress, Jos, 2009. At this moment, I was living fully bythe AIESEC Xp principles and was developing fast. On getting back from the conference, I had to face schoolwork and so didn't participate fully in LC activities but maintained my membership status .I attendedconferences in between and worked on my individual and team competencies
Taking Leadership role came to actualization towards the end of 2009 when I contested for the positionof the LC VPP for AIESEC Ibadan LC and was elected into office that July. Spontaneously, everything about mechanged drastically compared to my first 2 years because I saw the double effect of power (adminrights) and leadership responsibilities (VPP).I saw the management of an organization from another perspective and myleadership abilities were polished immensely.
I started facilitating at conferences, seminars and trainings within and out of AIESEC in functional areas,organized projects at the: LC level, helped with recruitment and selection processes in other LC andassociations within campus. I aspire for a greater level where I can explore and define the real me as aglobal player wherever I find myself. I have