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My Philosophical Framework

Essay by   •  March 13, 2013  •  Essay  •  723 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,427 Views

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My Philosophical Framework-Ideas on which I have based my thinking (about education):

I have chosen Albert Einstein not because of what he does in science but because of what he says about education. His honesty is what drew me to read some of his extracts and from that out jumped some very real thoughts that caught my interest. (Albert Einstein, 1950) says that this planet needs freedom; the children need choice and the ability to discover on their own without the strict confines of forced education. By doing this he says that the fun of it all is taken away and then there is no curiosity left. Only a child who will do what it's told because it feels it has to. I chose a quote by Einstein that goes,

"... knowledge must continually be renewed by ceaseless effort, if it is not to be lost. It resembles a statue of marble which stands in the desert and is continually threatened with burial by the shifting sand. The hands of service must ever be at work, in order that the marble continue to lastingly shine in the sun. To these serving hands mine shall also belong." (Einstein, On Education, 1950)

My Ideas on Learning:

My idea on learning is that it's a continual process. It must be worked on and improved. Students must be given the chance to learn for themselves, to research and actively participate so that they are challenged and motivated to find answers. Asking questions is very important in the process of learning, through this they, the learners eventually begin to ask the right questions. And curiosity must fuel them to want to understand.

My ideas link closely with (Einstein, 1934) as he has said that we mortals can create our own immortality in the permanent things (education), that we have in common with one another. If people keep that in mind we can all have a better outlook on other people from different countries.

My ideas on Teaching:

I personal look at teaching as an art form, you have to be able to use your own unique style and incorporate it into the classroom so that your identity can be formed. Teaching should follow the set curriculum but allow for the freedom to choose how they want to learn it. The teacher should be able to accommodate their learners and look to different ways to engage them and let them acquire knowledge by their own means of discovery.

Teaching is not only about the verbal side but also the classroom itself. In a foundation phase classroom especially, the children will be dawn to the things around them so that's why I believe that having the correct types of teaching aids like posters help the children learn through visual stimulus.

I want to teach them that ideas and creativity are vitally important to the construction of who they will become. Teachers are role models and as a role model I want to set the best example I can. I want them



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