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Papermaking Supply Chain

Essay by   •  July 19, 2015  •  Essay  •  253 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,200 Views

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Question 1 – Papermaking supply chain

The paper manufactured in this process is in rolls that are subsequently shipped to other customers downstream in the supply chain. Identify a final product and customer for which paper is used and describe the supply chain beginning with the paper making process.

An a example of a finished paper product from a process as it is described by the Wisconsin Paper Council would be Copy Paper, typically used in most office spaces around the world.

A description of the Supply Chain:

1. Timber. The raw material of paper is at the root, trees that are typically harvested and replanted like many other crops. Paper can also incorporate or exist of recycled paper that originated from timber.

2. Factory. Trees that have harvested are then sent to the factory for debarking, chipping, pulping, refinement, screening/cleaning, and paper manufacturing. Finished products from this stage are giant rolls of mostly uncut paper.

3. Tailoring. Paper is then sent to another manufacturing facility to be tailored into specific paper goods. Examples of this would be sending to 3M to be made into Post-it Notes and sent to Dunder Mifflin to be made to office-quality paper goods.

4. Distribution Centers. From here consumer products are sent from the tailoring facilities into distribution centers for rapid deployment into the market place.

5. Stores. Paper products are now a part of the market and will be available within stores. This would also include any type of e-commerce and online retailers such as amazon, eBay and internet based portions of stores like walmart and Staples.



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