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Peace Is the Future of Economics

Essay by   •  September 21, 2011  •  Essay  •  270 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,408 Views

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For the sake of clarity let us agree it is normal to want to live; and that being suicidal is not the preferred choice of most Human Beings. If one is suicidal and murderous; as in - terrorist - one doesn't arrive at this choice by chance.

There are innumerable reasons to want to kill self and every one of them is a measure of desperation. There is only one reason to want to kill someone else - hate. Hating enough to act is most likely the result of a perceived injustice. The validity of the injustice cannot be challenged because contrary to common belief justice is subjective.

Terrorists who want to destroy American culture by violence are as wrong as the American/European axis of elitism that works to maintain a white superiority complex about the quality of being Human.

Violence outside of the weather and self defense is wrong and should be fought with a non ending onslaught of knowledge. We are not stupid. War is the prime factor for the economy and we are in a transit period that will take a generation to complete in which

Peace will emerge as the future of economics as competition will be displaced by collaboration and the value of respecting other cultures and profiting through trade and information becomes increasingly necessary.

Today we are at a point of no return as every major corporation is a global enterprise and no longer honors a single national allegiance and instead views the world as the market place. Thus Peace is the foundation for expanding markets and nullifying reasons for terrorist to exist.



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