Perception Case
Essay by people • July 8, 2012 • Research Paper • 437 Words (2 Pages) • 1,406 Views
According to Sternberg (2009) perception is the process by which we interpret, recognize and make sense of the information that has been gathered thru our senses. These senses include touch, taste, smell, see and hear. Harnard (2003) explained that the stimuli register these senses to our brain. Perception and learning are associated to each other. If one does not have a right perception of something, one will not be able to modify our behavior.
Our brain forms perception by bottom-up, top-down or integration (Sternberg, 2009).
In Bottom -up processing is commonly referred to as data based processing (Sternberg, 2009). These sensory receptors change stimuli into neural messages that reaches the brain (Johansen-Berg, 2001). This low level stimulus is passed along to higher order processing. The incoming data is received in small units, and grows into larger units. An example of bottom-up processing is when we hear the sound of waves at the beach. The sound waves travel to the brain via the ear. The waves are the stimulus energy that enters the ears.
Top-down processing implies that information is influenced by previous knowledge and thoughts and is guided by higher level of cognitive processes. Top down focuses on hypotheses and predictions generated in the brain and on feedback from the brain back down to the receptors.Top-down processing occurs quickly and involves guessing from prior experiences (Sternberg, 2009). Raftopoulos (2001) reported that in top down processing one's knowledge and idea influences perception. He further explained that they are processed outside of our consciousness. An example would be when I look at the sky and see dark clouds, I will get my umbrella. This is based on prior experience of associating dark clouds with rain.
In interaction both bottom-up and top-down work together to recognize the object. Bottom-up helps with receiving the data and top-down interprets the data. Culture can effect behavior and trust perception. Zang (2007) examine the effect of culture, and task on trust perception. Two cultural groups American and Chinese were studied doing two different tasks. The tasks were brainstorming and negotiation. It took the Chinese longer to reach negotiation agreement. The study also showed Chinese perceived lower level of trust than Americans.
Harnad, S. (2003). Categorical Perception. Brain (1), 1-19. Nature Publishing Group.
Johansen-Berg, H. (2001). Bottom-up or top-down? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 5(2), 52.
Raftopoulos, A. (2001). Is perception informationally encapsulated? The issue of the theory-ladenness of perception. Cognitive Science, 25(3), 423-451.
Sternberg, R. (2009). Cognitive psychology (5th ed.).