Personal Model of Helping
Essay by Austinbaby08 • June 11, 2012 • Essay • 1,994 Words (8 Pages) • 1,959 Views
I developed my personal model of helping through other's experience around me, and also by my own personal experiences. The other thing is viewing people 's afflictions from the outside, the other thing that has helped me is rational point of view, not only to understand a little bit on how others think, but also to help me realize things about my own self. The last five weeks of this class has helped me to put own theories into words and make it easier on me to remember.
My Views of Helping Others
My personal model of helping is electric. I believe a lot in Mr. Roger's theory that a therapist should have unconditional positive regard for his or her patient. My personal feelings that a person can't help an individual unless you have seen the positive light without judging that person . I also feel that a therapist need to be in the moment somehow with their patients if that would be by nodding there head or agreeing with them this allows them to know that the therapist is hanging on to every word that they say, and not letting their mind wonder off. I feel that that that a patient comes to the therapist to be heard and to share their troubles that they are going through at the time and also to feel that the therapist in listening to every word that they have to say. I was amazed with reading about cognitive approach , that a person personal point of view of something comes from a situation that they might have been in and/or how a certain situation affects their mind. I have and heard a lot of people blaming their childhood on the way that they act and think. If it was me as the therapist I would allow them to talk about it but not let it take over the whole session. Because you know that there is more going on than just that. Example: My husband was abused as a child and also molested his mom never taught him to read or write that well. But he doesn't let this get in his way he goes out and education other people going through the same thing that he did as a child. I think that I would be good dealing with people that has be in an abusive relationship, and/or people with depression. The reason why I say this is because I have been through it and understand how they are feeling when someone else might not have had experienced it in their life.
Relationship between Clinician and Participant
The Relationship between the clinician and the participant, I feel should be on that the patient and client has trust, and the person also feels comfortable in talking to them. The other thing is the therapist need to be forth coming. I would maintain boundaries but I wouldn't be afraid to us life experience to get my point across . I would pretty much act as devices in which to assist the client in reaching their own understanding of what they need to do to get over the situation that is certainly going on in their life. I wouldn't be afraid to get blunt and to the point to make them realize what they are doing wrong. I understand that a lot of people are looking for a quick fix to their problems, but I would show them progression and where things need to go to get back to where they us to be and overcome this bad time in their life.
Techniques or Approaches
As a therapists, I would use many types of behavioral techniques the reason why is to teach the patients and make them feel more comfortable using the techniques outside of the office and in the real world. I would have certain assignment for them to do, by doing this it shows them and have them think about what they are doing in their daily life. I person that has anxiety and depression have them write certain things that trigger there attacks, try and avoid them throughout their daily life. One of the biggest things is role-playing I think it help people deal with their daily life. Say that for instance that they are having a hard time talking to some that they need to talk to. I would role play that person to help them get better at confronting that person and talk to them and give them pointers on what they need to fix and how to make their conversation better, and we