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Personal Role

Essay by   •  December 4, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,111 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,742 Views

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All people have roles in their life. Roles determine people's personalities in life. As people's roles very their personalities vary. There are many roles that show my personalities. The roles that reveal the most about my personalities are my role as a student, a friend, and a cousin.

My role as student reveals a lot about me. As a student, I am extremely determined because every time I get a bad grade or did not understand the problems. I will go to tutorial to get help. For example, last year in my English class, I got a D for the first quarter because I failed one big test. Therefore, every tutorial I go to my English class to get extra help and do my homework in there. In addition, at home, I spend more time studying than before. Then my grade became better. This proves me as determined because I was strongly motivated and wanted to success by the bad grade that I have in the first quarter. Another trait that I have as a student is being responsible. I am responsible because every time I am absent, I always make up my missing work when I get back. For example, last year in the first semester before the Thanksgiving week, I took one week off for vacation with my family. We went on a cruise to Central America. Before taking the week off, I talk to every teacher to tell them that I will be gone and then I had taken the lessons and the homework with me, so that I would not miss any lessons and work. Then when I get back from vacation, I have to make up the exam and test that I missed. The next day tutorial, I went to my history class to take the exam and during lunch, I went to my math class to take the test. This example shows me that I am being responsible because I did what a student need to do in order to be successful. The last trait that I have as a student is focused. I am focused because I listened to class and did not talk during the class period. In my biology class, I was seated in the back of the classroom. Then I talked to the teacher to ask her if I can sit in the front because I can hear better and will not get distracted. Then the next day, I was seated in the front. Each time the teacher asks a question, I will raise my hand to answer it. The example shows that I am focused because I offered to answer the questions. These traits reveal me as a good student.

Another role that reveals a lot about me is my role as a friend. As a friend, I was trustworthy. There is a one time, my friend Jessica told me about her boyfriend. She said that her boyfriend was suddenly become nicer to her and buying her drinks. She started to figure out that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Then she began to cry, and she tells me that she does not want anyone else to know about this even her family. Then, I agree with her. This proves me that I am trustworthy because I listened to my friend and did not talking about the things that my friends did not want me to say. Another trait that I have



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