Essay by people • September 21, 2011 • Essay • 279 Words (2 Pages) • 1,601 Views
ary 2011, James M. Kilts, one of our Directors, learned that
one of his portfolio managers had engaged in two transactions in
Pfizer shares on his behalf without Mr. Kilts' knowledge or approval, despite the fact that Mr. Kilts had instructed the portfolio
manager not to trade in Pfizer securities without his prior approval. Specifically, on Mr. Kilts' behalf, the portfolio manager executed a purchase of 549 Pfizer shares at $18.12 per share in
February 2010 and a sale of those 549 shares at $17.22 per share
in March 2010. Since Mr. Kilts was not aware of the transactions
at the time of their execution, he failed to report them on a timely
basis on Form 4. Promptly upon being informed of the transactions, Mr. Kilts reported them on a Form 4.
The Company has adopted a Related Person Transaction Approval
Policy that is administered by the Corporate Governance Committee. The Policy applies to any transaction or series of transactions
in which the Company or a subsidiary is a participant, the amount
involved exceeds $120,000, and a related person has a direct or
indirect material interest. Under the Policy, Company management determines whether a transaction requires review by the
Committee, and transactions requiring review are referred to the
Committee for approval, ratification or other action. Based on its
consideration of all of the relevant facts and circumstances, the
Committee decides whether or not to approve such transactions
and approves only those transactions that are deemed to be in the
best interests of the Company. If the Company becomes aware of
an existing transaction with a related person that has not been
approved under this Policy, the matter is referred to the Committee. The Committee then evaluates all options available, including
ratification, revision or termination of such