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Philippines Case

Essay by   •  January 17, 2014  •  Essay  •  213 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,386 Views

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Watching more than once though brings to focus some of the things that could improve the movie. Flaws in the costumes of the extras and even with landmarks bearing signs that existed after World War II should have been corrected. This is a period piece and stuff like that sort of destroys that you are watching a story from the past. Also, the Spanish, Chinese and Ilongo dialogue should have subtitles. A great part of the message of the movie was lost when you did not have subtitles state what the Spanish characters were talking about.

But for me it is still a great movie. Entertaining and provocative.

After the film showing they even had an open forum with Gloria Diaz and other directors. The forum was an eye-opener in terms of how things were done. How things were done before and now. What is the future of the film industry.

There was one person who asked what was the relevance of this movie.

I thought that it was obvious. The story portrayed not only the story of Kulas but of the different people in society at the time. It embodied the change that was taking place. The formation of our cultural identity. No matter what you were Tagalog, Tsinoy, Ilonggo, or Tisoy we are all Filipinos.



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