Plan for Staff Selection
Essay by people • June 12, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,950 Words (8 Pages) • 1,520 Views
As the Food and Beverage Manager of a 5-Star Hotel in Christchurch City, you need to select a new Food and Beverage Attendant for the hotel restaurant to replace Sarah who has been promoted to Cafe Manager.
Why is there a need for the position and how does it meet the objectives of the organization? How does this position fit the current budget? Consider the HR planning process when explaining.
We have a demand for a Food and Beverage attendant as a result of our staff succession strategy - where Sarah was trained in preparation for a leadership/management role should one become vacant. We can assume that Sarah Scott held a full-time position in order to be offered the managerial position, so, she may be getting a pay increase which may be less gross than her predecessor, and her replacement would be paid Sarah's old rate (which is already accounted for in the budget but instead of paying no one we would be paying the replacement) or could be paid on an entrant rate which would reduce wage cost so there should not be any budget issues!
Considering the HR Planning process...
- We are a 5-star hotel providing 5-star service.
- A Food and Beverage attendant has been promoted - her leadership is still within the organization and could be used to help her replacement.
- Due to the 24/7, 365 nature of hotels we can assume Sarah's promotion will not affect the frequency of customers visiting so Sarah's shifts will need to be covered - existing part-time staff could be offered additional hours to assist in but will have other pre existing commitments (hence why they are part-time) so would only be short term cover.
What are the requirements for internal/external staff selection? Identify benefits of internal and external candidates for the position. Are you going to recruit internally or externally?
Time and effort are main derivatives in requirements for internal vs. external; internally staff references are easily accessible, and potential applicants may already be known to the department so internal selection could be virtually instant. On the other hand external requires lots of time spent sourcing applicants, interviews, follow-ups - involving lots of correspondence.
- Already known to the hotel
- Easily accessible - to the applicant, to references
- Less induction processes
- Greater pool of candidates
- Candidates can bring experience and knowledge from other companies
- Education providers (e.g. CPIT), can provide candidates who are passionate about the industry and will provide a platform for more succession opportunities!
As pre-determined, we will recruit internally through the hotels Human Resource Department. This would waive any fees which would be incurred when using an external recruitment agency. Our HR department would provide a personalized service to both the restaurant and potential candidates (we see exactly what we're getting, they see exactly who they could be working with), and we have an HR department so why wouldn't we use them?
What are your options for sourcing applicants in terms of...
Cost Effectiveness
Accessibility to suitably qualified applicants/candidates
Examples of sourcing options include...
In-house - as a 5-star hotel we can expect all staff employed to be of a high quality. This option provides us with an easy access to potential candidates - information & references are already on hand. However suitable applicants may be hard to come by as an inter-departmental transfer would provide an applicant where their skills, attitude and mindset may differ to ours at the restaurant. This strategy would be low cost maybe just uniform costs. Staff already contracted to the hotel may know of someone outside the hotel who may be a suitable applicant for the position - when sourcing we need to keep an open mind as we never know who might be around the corner.
Education Facility (CPIT School of Hospitality) - here the hotel can be guaranteed to be referred applicants who will be passionate about the position, and already have training of a high-quality industry standard. Similarly to in-house sourcing this would not incur much cost except uniform and induction/training costs.
Media (newspaper & company website) - media provides arguably the widest range of applicants. Due to the limited days of advertising in the Christchurch Press newspaper (Wednesday & Saturday) recruitment will not happen as quickly as other options. For this assessment purpose we would only advertise in the Christchurch Press - it is popular and relevant to our area as we want applicants to be readily available for interviews face-to-face, possibly a trial or start ASAP! We are reliant on applicants approaching us rather than us seeking them out (like CPIT). We may receive a large number of unsuitable applicants as the media is open to anyone. Costs are involved with placing the advertisement and staff to manage and respond to applicants.
The company website provides a free space to advertise to applicants, this could be limiting to people who know the hotel has an employment opportunity section or could field a number of applicants who live away from our desired area.
Database/Agency (WINZ, - sourcing applicants from a database such as WINZ relieves us of an amount of work. They already have applicants who are readily available and who may or may not have relevant skills to the position. By hiring a WINZ applicant the hotel may qualify for a "Job Ops Training" or "Skills for Growth" (Ministry of Social Development, n.d.) subsidy to help meet wage and training cost which could prove to be very cost-effective but may lack quality applicants.
When using an agency database such as while we may incur a fee, we would be assured of quality, and service.
Benefits of internal/external recruitment methods
- Our HR department in conjunction with restaurant team know exactly what